[1] Hongdae : JK Fanfiction

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[Jungkook x Reader]

It was past midnight, you and your friends are having the time of your lives dancing to the music, enjoying the crowd and some drinks when you suddenly felt exhausted.

"Y/N" Your friend, Yen called when she noticed you stopped from doing your crazy group dance-stuff. "You okay?" she asked as she came closer. You immediately nodded showing off a thumbs-up. She then put her arm around you, instantly putting a smile on your face. "You don't seem fine, girl." Among your friends, she's really the sweetest. She's like the Mom of the group, actually.

"I'm fine Mom." You teased, making her laugh. She did ruffled your hair too. "Imma go walk outside to breathe some fresh air." You whispered. She then nodded as you start walking your way out.

"You want a company?" She asked, not letting go of your hand, making you stop. You're almost out of the clubbing area. She's being clingy, you thought.

"I'm fine, really. I'll call you later." You said, making her smile. She shrug you lose, waving her hands. You walked ahead when you saw her blend into the crowd.

You breathe in and out when you finally got out of the Club. That automatically relaxed you.

You look around and see a crowd build up few meters away. You decided to walk there to see what's going on. You're also thinking of what food to buy since you feel hungry all of a sudden.

When you got there, you made your way in front since you're bit short in height (one of the reasons why your friends teases you). You were amazed seeing five guys dancing to a song very familiar to you. Their grooves and pop&lock looks cool too. You're even singing along inside my head, enjoying. This made your exhaustion go away. Their music has this amazing effect on you.

You were busy watching them when someone suddenly bump into you, making you lose your balance. You're ready to fall on the floor when you felt a support from your back. You immediately look to your right and see the guy wearing a black cap with black face mask, holding you on your shoulder. You can't see his face because it's quite dark there. You then stood up properly to face him.

"Thank you." You said with a bow to show your gratitude. It would be really painful to fall on the floor in this weather and that would be a trouble too. You were quite intimidated because you noticed that he's tall and, has this familiar vibe and charisma.

"A cheese cake will do." He said, making you look up to him again. This time you can see his face clearer. The lights are on the side, so you can see the left side of him. You almost choke when you observed that he looks like Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook of BTS, the group you've been stanning for a year now. You're new to Bangtan because you're quite busy with school and all.

You were busy analyzing and thinking of the possibility of seeing Jungkook in Hongdae when he put his hand few inches away from your face and snapped.

"You okay?" He said, waking you up from reverie.

You shook your head and took a step closer to him. His eyes suddenly got bigger. Omg! He's so cute, even though you can only see his eyes.

"Wh-what now?" He said, taking a step back.

Ey, He can't be Jungkook. Why would Jungkook be here anyway? You said to yourself.

"You said cheese cake right?" You asked, tilting your head to the side. His eyes suddenly soften. You want to assume that he smiled and why not?

He then nodded.

"Okay! Let's go then!" You said as you walk ahead. You immediately look back to see if he's following you and, smiled when he really did.

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