First Day of Class

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I took a deep breath and opened the door.

There were several students in the classroom, seated and talking casually. One of them turned, and a look of disapproval crossed her face. I was very familiar with that look on people's faces.

"You'll have to start in a different room. There is a class about to start." Was all she said, then turned back to her friends. I was immediately reminded of some of Ama, through they looked nothing alike.

"I am here for class." and closed the door behind me. I scanned the room. Yet again I realized how different my imagination and reality were. I had imagined school rooms similar to the ones at home. This room was filled with various heavy wood tables (I saw oak, maple, cherry closest to me) instead of desks. The upholstered chairs mostly matched the tables.

The windows were open to a beautiful early summer morning. 

I started across the room to an empty table near an open window.

I didn't get there.

She stood up so she could face me, blocking my path.

"From your clothing, I thought you were cleaning staff." she said with a nasty smile. I was starting to dislike this person. "You are in the wrong room. This is Advanced Plant Biology." She said every syllable of the class name individually as if I might be hard of hearing. Yep, I disliked her. She was rude.

I turned my full attention to her. She was tall. Not just compared to me, but tall for a woman. Probably near a foot taller than me, even without the heeled shoes she was wearing. She had on a some prissy high class looking fancy dress that was absolutely ridiculous for a classroom. Her hair was black, thick, and carefully curled. Her eyes were a light color, but I could not tell if it were blue or gray. She'd be pretty except for the sneer.

Noblemen daughter, I guessed.

We looked to be polar opposites and that made me smile. I was happy to be nothing like this person.

My face must have shown what I thought of her because she went from mildly annoyed to very angry in that moment I was studying her. Her face got redder and her mouth tight.

"I am here for Advanced Plant Biology" I said mimicking her tone. A few of the other students laughed, and her eyes flared. Way to go, Mira, I thought to myself. Managed to make an enemy the first day of class.

She moved towards me, getting in to my personal space and looking down at me.

"New students do not start in Advanced Plant Biology." She stated this as if it were the final statement of a debate she had just won. Then waved her hand at me dismissively "Go see Healer Rullisa, she will put you where you belong."

Up to this point I had been slight annoyed, but mostly amused by this ridiculous person. Now I could feel MY face getting hot as my temper started to build. I turned my back on her and took a calming breath. I set my bag on a table, pulled out the book for this class, and turned back to her, holding it framed in my hands. I met her eyes, and waited.

The other students moved so they could see what I was holding. I could see several smile, then quickly hide it. A couple looked shocked. Only one boy laughed out loud. They were scared of this girl. Bully, I thought. I hated bullies.

The girls face went from angry and annoyed, to disbelief, and back to angry. I raised an eyebrow at her. She took a deep breath in and opened her mouth (probably to continue arguing with me) but the door opened abruptly and she turned to face it. Healer Bronoi walked into the room and surveyed the scene. The girl looked like she'd just been caught stealing a cookie from the kitchen.

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