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My trip to Sanctuary bestowed me with ultimate clarity. Driving with the window down, cool wind blowing my hair, husband's hand entwined with mine made perfect sense. Nothing was going to mess with this utter bliss.

In a way I should thank Rick. He'd made it so easy, eliminating all but one choice. Wherever Negan was going, you'd find me there.No-one's going to threaten my family.

Not anymore!

Looking in the rear view mirror I blew a kiss at my step-daughter. "Way to go with the quick thinking sweetie! That could've gotten very ugly if you didn't turn up when you did!"

Rick had threatened my husband, at gunpoint. Trying to force my hand, dictating what's best for me and my babies.

Fuck that.

Poor Skye's brow furrowed. I was angry at Rick for many things. But, it hurt my heart seeing her torn up like this. Her icy orbs were heavy with remorse, glistening with tears.

This was Prick's baggage to bare. But I knew nothing I'd say would appease her.

A shaky sigh busted through Skye's slightly parted lips. "I really like Rick, but there was no way I could let him kill Negan."

Her proud as punch father flashed his pearly whites, sparkling in my peripheral. "You did good baby girl! My God you've grown up."

I squeezed his hand. Doting father looked positively scrumptious on him.

As I drove up to Sanctuary, it filled me with nostalgia. A time that felt like forever ago. Remembering the horrid circumstances that brought me here in the first place, I was thankful that this moment was in stark contrast.

It felt like a cleansing process, washing away the memory of the powerless girl that was dragged here. Replacing it with me, a powerful woman, leading my family to OUR home.

Markers of the carnage still remained painted on the Sanctuary's facade. Crudely placed plywood sat on a large portion of the windows. Sprays of brown, dried up blood still peppered all surfaces. My blood boiled.

I'm not going to let this happen to my people again.

As the cherry-red panel wagon closed on the entry gate, I made out two figures. One standing straight, and the other waving enthusiastically. Like they knew we were coming.

But how is that possible?

The closer we got to our destination, the easier it was to decipher who they were. Simon's tall frame stood out, even from a distance. His stance was so signature, hands on hips, one hip dropped, like he owned the world.

The shorter figure ended up being Jesus. I hadn't realised how short he was until seeing him beside this giant. His delicate form made to look even more so, next to his unlikely comrade. It was almost comical.

I waved back at Hilltop's saint. His smile was welcoming as ever, standing a good six feet away from Simon.

Unsurprisingly, Simon settled for a single wave, upper lip twitching at the sight of us.

Guess us coming back didn't factor into his plans.

The peace idealist walked up to the driver's side of the car, crouching down and resting him forearms on my car door. "Well hey there Rackel! Welcome to Sanctuary!"

Smiling at him, I tried to act casual. Although the chance was small, there was a possibility he didn't know about the Rick debacle. "I didn't know you were stationed here! How long have you been here for?"

Jesus chuckled and smiled back. "Rick sent me here a month ago for clean up and rebuilding."

I grimaced, so much I wasn't privy to.

My Retribution (third instalment of Exception Series)Where stories live. Discover now