Chapter 5

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I'm here again, this time the line of water, getting murkier every night, had crawled its way just above my knee.

I'm keeping count now, making a tally on how long I take to get to my destination. Now its been two months since I started moving forward, two months since the shadow, and two months since I was thrown back into the whirlwind of activity I knew as school.

I never dream about their death anymore, I'm always in the pond and every time I take one step towards the shadow, every time the dread builds up despite the fact that his presence comforts me.

I am trusting this shadow, the shadow I don't know and I have never seen before in my life. His mysterious existence in my subconscious mind intrigued me and I wanted to figure out why he was there, but I had to get to him first. To get to him I had to cross the pond and the danger and somehow I was willing to do it, but who was he?


I was sweating from head to toe and it almost made me regret my choice to go jogging to clear my mind. The dream was permanently stuck in my mind and no matter how much I tried I couldn't get rid of it. I figured jogging might as well do the trick if I wanted to get my mind off things.

I was listening to music through my headphones to help motivate me and it was working, every bleak and normal thing along the paths seemed to burst into life with colour to the beat, the trees beside me danced with life as its leaves shivered and the birds were chirping. The air was fresh and it was early morning, the lack of cars surprisingly soothing.

I smiled. The jogging had been long and tiresome, exhausting out my already sore muscles and I was glad to finally be on my way home.

Around the next bend in the corner a blue and pink building came into view, standing tall, grand and refurbished not far from the park entrance nearby.

It was an ice cream shop, attracting families, couples or just single people  alike to its grand walls. On a hot day I could remember children whining and begging to get a refreshing treat and parents throwing the new 'no more than three sweet or unhealthy foods a day' rule right out of the window in frustration.

I grinned, that all happened before it shut down to get a glow up and I guess the waiting payed off. The once slightly splintered stairs leading up to the main front porch of the building were now marble stairs that replaced them, and brand new seating was placed outside.

I walked up to the building, the small new bell that hung around almost every doorframe around here jingled loudly and I made my way to the counter and looked at the menu.

"Can I have a blueberry and strawberry ice cream please?"

The girl behind the till smiled at me and nodded, pushing her glasses up her small button nose as she began to prepare my order.

A few seconds later she came to me with the ice cream. I thanked her, payed and made my way outside again, bouncing like a child as I stared at the vibrant blue and pink ice cream in my hand. It was just like the shop itself.

I was on the new stairs, about to lick my ice cream when I wobbled slightly, my dizzy balance causing me to tangle my hand in my earphones, threatening to shove my ice cream right out of my cone.

I began to fiddle with it awkwardly with one hand, trying to untangle the the annoying twist and turns that fastened themselves to my fingers.

"Oh fuck this" I muttered while trying to walk down the stairs, I had better things than waste my time fiddling, so I might as well move forward.

The exhaustion in my limbs from the jogging came at me in a wave of weakness and I almost felt myself go limp, I felt a bit dizzy and I was losing my balance all over again. I tried to catch onto the railing, my hands waving around, still tangled in my earphones, but I failed.

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