Memory Chapter- Jungkook And Tae

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I drank the Coffee, fond memories of Namjoon and I wasting our time in the café played in my mind, along with endless moments of extra studying thrown in. I also remembered the days we went to the park, in autumn when all the leaves were falling and the whole place looked beautifully angry and impulsive. On those days the wind would be bad, and sometimes it would rain. The fiery leaves would dance in the air as they were swept past me, narrowly missing my face. That's when we started going, in autumn.

The others would sometimes hang around there too, and there were countless moments were we all seemed to re-enact the moment we first met at the start of that autumn time, a week after we first met in school, the first time I met Jin.

I would often see Jungkook's mum there too, either watching over him or walking around with his younger brother. She invited me over once, to her house, back when Jin and I recently got together, before telling the others, sometime around winter.


I looked at the phone in my hand uncertainly. Jungkook's text said that his house number was number 35 on the road just past the bus stop in his neighbourhood, yet I was almost sure that I had gotten lost. Large white houses towered up above me, with fences and gates looming over me as if I was a threat to be intimidated.

Inside them they enclosed some beautiful gardens, small ponds hidden among thick garden plants with fish swimming among them, and black and white garden tables covered by the shadow of a parasol who stood diligently against the upcoming winter winds like a loyal servant.

Most other houses however, had started preparing more for the proper winter weather to start as the middle of December came rolling around. A few Christmas decorations hung lavishly around the frames of windows and over the door as if to mock the, still beutiful, simplicity of the homes' normal state.

I was definitely in the wrong place and I became almost certain as I continued to walk down the road, staring  in awe at how the horrifically limited palette, containing white, black, grey and beige, could creating a whole neighbourhood that was so pleasing to the eye.

I continued to walk

House number 30


I began the confusing countdown of the numbers after I reached a place that somewhat matched Jungkook's description. After the bus stop I should take a right turn on the first upcoming street, then left, on the next fourth turning opportunity go right, then right again.

This can't be right

The thought seemed to ring so loudly in my mind that for a second I thought I might have shouted it out loud. It might have done me some good too though. The road I now stood in front of split off into two ways and I had no idea where to go. I fumbled with the zip on my jacked as I searched for my phone, scrolling through Kookie's messages.

So you're coming right? My mum really wants to meet you. Don't know why though.

Why? Do you not want me over?

No not at all, I just find it kinda odd, I'm not complaining though. This gives me plenty of time to annoy you and Tae.

Is Tae coming too? nice, now I get to beat the both of you.

Beat us in what? I wouldn't bet on anything YN

Beat you at anything tbh, I mean it can't be that hard, have you seen yourself?

😂 Challange accepted, but be warned we won't hold back in whatever competition you come up with.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2019 ⏰

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