Chapter 1

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(Y/n) pov:

Dear diary, Saturday 31st March 2018

I moved to this school a month ago and still haven't got bullied, yet. The school's name is English Martyrs. It's an alright place, a bit of bulling here and bulling there but for now I'm safe.

Next day:
My alarm went off at 6:00 am sharp. If I don't get up at that time, I'm late.
I got dressed in some ripped jeans and  a plain T-shirt, shoved blue sneakers on then ran out the door with toast in my mouth. I ran for a little while 'till I arrived at a corner were my best friend should've met me at. I waited about 10 minutes and there was still no sign of her. I decided to just run to the bus alone and finish my toast before anyone notices. I finished my toast when I arrived at the bus. It just pulled up. Lucky me. I walked on, payed for my travel, and went up to my seat. I sat down and waited for the bus to go. It didn't.  This blonde haired dude came on. He was wearing a checkered, red shirt with ripped sleeves, a grey beanie, guy liner and bright blue jeans. Everyone on the bus tried to look calm even though I could tell they weren't.  Who was he?? A girl called Sophia sat next to me." Sooo. That's the bully. Yes we have female Bullys but they take their parents car. He is the hottest bully in the school. His name is Conner. Guaranteed he will bully you!" She tried to joke to me. I shoved her which made her fall onto the bus floor.
Conner looked at me then looked away. I could see a slight smile on his face

I don't cry/ Male Bully x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now