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The man watches the girl through half veiled eyes. He's never seen anyone so graceful. She's like moonbeams playing with the shadows. He wants her and he never fails to get what he wants.

Lisa looks around, she can feel someone watching her but she can't tell who. But whoever it is makes her nervous. She hasn't had to worry about things like this for years, not since she died.

She decides to leave the dance, too many sweaty bodies, the aroma is becoming overwhelming. Besides, she's starting to get hungry.

Suddenly she finds herself shoved against the side of the building in the alley that she'd been walking down. The surprise makes it so she holds action. That proves to be fatal though as the person that shoved her injects her with something and she falls into a darkness that she hasn't felt for sometime.

Lisa wakes and finds herself tied with ropes lying on a bed. She can't believe this is happening again. This is how she died that time. But her maker would have just called her. She hasn't seen him for nearly a decade, she hopes that he's dead.

She pretends to be asleep once more as the door is being unlocked from the outside.

She hopes that the man continues to treat her like a normal human, she's really hungry and needs to eat.

"Beautiful lady, time to wake up now." The man that enters the room says going next to her and caressing her face. She has to hide her revulsion as he moves his hand down lower.

She doesn't understand how she lands herself in these predicaments. Well at least if he's concentrating on her he's leaving the more defenseless humans alone. She wishes that someone had managed to gain her makers attention all those years ago, but, alas it wasn't to be.

"Time to wake up, bitch." The man was getting upset that she wasn't waking up. She doesn't react even as he slaps her. She's going to enjoy ripping this man's throat open and drinking him dry. Save the world from a psychopath. She's a superhero.

Lisa has a hard time holding in her scoff at that. She's no hero, she's done her share of killing. Although she's done her best to only drink from those she targets, at times she loses control and ends up killing them. That's why she's tried to target those that deserve to die.

If they are really bad she allows her true nature free reign while she eats.

"I said, it's time to wake the f-" the man says hitting her again. Lisa is tired of it and decides to take action. She jumps up and before he can even register what's going on she finds and bites his neck.

His blood doesn't taste all that good, but she needs it. She should have gone out hunting sooner. She suppresses the memory of why she hadn't. She doesn't need to cripple herself in memories once more.

She lets the shocked man fall once she's eaten sufficiently from him. With the feeding she's now strong enough to break the ropes that bind her so tightly. Getting rid of them she is able to breath once more. She has a hard time controlling herself when she's tied up.

It brings back to many memories and it makes it hard to do what needs to be done. She'll allow the reaction to set in later.

She gets ready to leave the room when a voice in the hall makes her body freeze. "He never did know how to treat a lady."

"Daniel," shit, just who she needs to find her. Not.

"It's been a long time, Lisa," Daniel says by way of greeting.

"Not long enough. Is this your doing?" Lisa says gesturing to the man on the floor.

Daniel laughs, "If it had been, he would have been properly set up to deal with you. No, I followed him after he took you though. I wanted to make sure that you were okay."

"Just peachy, goodbye, Daniel." Lisa has a hard time keeping the hatred out of her voice.

"Don't be like that, Lisa," Daniel says coming up to her and gently wiping away some blood from her face. "I have some decent blood waiting for you."

This both interests and makes, Lisa wary. "By decent you mean..."

Daniel smiles an evil and dark smile. "You can pick between two lovely young people. The female is an innocent and the boy was getting a bit frustrated with her putting the brakes on what he wants to do with her."

"Not everyone is as perverted as you, Daniel. Sounds like a normal teenage boy," Lisa says unimpressed. But the idea of innocent blood to cleanse the unclean blood she'd just ingested does interest her far more than she would like to admit.

"Tell you what, Lisa, since I like you, I'll give them both to you. Since I know you don't like to kill your meals you'll be able to let them go afterwards." Daniel says now caressing her face like the other man had earlier.

With this Lisa gives in. If she doesn't then Daniel will kill both of the humans just for kicks. He's done it in front of her more than once.

Lisa kneels in front of the girl and talks to her softly, gently touching her, soothing her. "Shh, love, you'll be okay. I need you to calm down now and I'll make sure that you return home safe. I can't say you won't be a bit sore, but I'll do the best I can. You have to trust me though, can you do that, love?" 

The human female nods almost hypnotized by the female in front of her. She's never seen anyone so beautiful before. She'd thought the man that brought her here was beautiful, but not even he compares to the female.

Lisa makes sure that the female is calm. Unlike most of her kind she doesn't like the taste of adrenaline fouling the flavor of the blood. She lets the blood cleanse itself as she busies herself unloosing the girl from Daniel's bonds.

Lisa silently cusses Daniel as she loosens first one rope and then another. That bastard had tied the ropes extra tight just to make it difficult for her to undo. Finally the last of the ropes are undone and the girl had been calm long enough to cleanse her blood.

"Before we look for the young man, I need just a little something from you." Lisa warns but before the girl can do anything more than look at her in shock Lisa strikes.

The taste of the untainted blood is a relief to her. The lack of contaminants surprises her. It's like she's never had drugs of any kind. So unlike kids of today, Lisa muses and forces herself to stop before she kills the girl.

Lisa makes the girl forget what just happened and helps her to stand. They go to look for the boy, Daniel had promised her.

Repeating the process with the boy, just making sure that the girl isn't paying attention when she feeds from him. She takes them home and makes them forget everything. She does one last thing with the boy though, "You will treat all females with respect and do no harm to them unless it's self defense."

She only did this because she could tell the boy was getting close to losing his patience with the girl. "If the girl doesn't give you what you want then break up with her and find someone that has less self respect."

She smiles as her orders sink in. 

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