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Paul is watching her as she wakes, "Hey, at least this time you aren't crying." Paul says smiling.

Lisa smiles back, "I was remembering when you took me back to your place that first time. Damn that was some good sex."

Paul smirks, "I thought so too, but since you're the only vampire I've ever fucked I couldn't compare apples to apples."

Lisa mock growls at him and pins him to the bed, "Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah," Paul says. "You know what the hardest part about being your friend was?"

Lisa shakes her head. "Being your friend and not your lover. It about killed me keeping my distance all those years."

"Good, it wasn't easy for me either," Lisa admits.

Paul looks at her hurt, "Why?"

Lisa sighs knowing exactly what he's asking. "Because I was already tempted to make you a pet. The longer we continued intimacies the harder it would be for me to allow you your freedom. You didn't deserve that and it would have ended with your death since I couldn't take pets at that time."

Paul cradles her face in his hands, "Thank you. I fell in love with you that first night and it played hell with the girlfriends."

"Is that the reason you went through them so quickly?" Lisa asks, this had bothered her. He never kept the girl for very long.

"I couldn't give them the love they wanted when my heart already belonged to you." Paul brings her face in for a kiss. "I have to tell you, making love to you makes all others pale in comparison."

Lisa snorts, "Even after you've sampled the wares here?"

"Especially after sampling the wares, as you put it. You are my drug, Lisa and I can't get enough of you." Paul proceeds to show her just what he means.

Nikolai looks up as they enter his office. He snorts, "Well you look better Paul, but not more rested."

Sebastian looks up and smirks. 

"Some things are better than sleep, and more restful." Paul says smirking back at them. That is until Lisa jabs him hard with her elbow.

Nikolai loses his smirk as he talks to Lisa, "Anymore nightmares about Daniel?"

Lisa looks at him shyly, "No, this dream was about Paul and when we first met."

Nikolai just nods and hides the smirk that fights to reappear. Lisa hadn't told him much about Paul, but even back then he could tell that he was special to her. That's why he'd given Marcel the go ahead to protect him and his friends for her.

After having met Paul he's glad he did. Marcel had saved Paul's life more than once during those years.

"Africa is ours.  Asia is as well." Nikolai tells the two catching them up to date. "Central Europe, Northern Europe and parts of southern Europe. South America and Central America as well."

Nikolai is pleased, things have gone smoother than he'd anticipated. "The US president and Canadian PM listened to their advisers and managed to escape, but we anticipate their capitulation before the end of the week. England and France are holding out."

"What about Australia?" Lisa asks.

"Those buggers are putting up a much harder fight than expected.

"The islands in the south sea have fallen." Those are the only ones that really concern him. All other countries that are islands will hand themselves over to him once their allies are gone.

"Australia is yours."

Nikolai smiles. Things are going better than he'd anticipated.

"Nikolai?" Sebastian says after answering the phone.

"What is it?" Nikolai demands.

Sebastian hands him the phone, "It's the US President."

There is a hush in the room as Nikolai presents his demands. They can tell that the President isn't happy about the demands but none of them doubt that Nikolai will get his way.

Nikolai smirks, "There will be a press conference tomorrow where the President will be surrendering to me unconditionally." There is cheering in the room. 

The phone interrupts the sounds of victory. This time it's Ivan that answers the phone. He smiles. "Nikolai, it's the Canadian PM."

Nikolai takes the phone and talks to him. Just like with the President Nikolai gets upset but doesn't back down.

He hangs up and he's all smiles. "Tomorrow by this time North America will be ours."

"Sebastian, I want Samantha tonight." 

"Yes, father."

Helen goes over to Sebastian and whispers in his ear before kissing him.

"Doesn't that bother Samantha?" Paul asks Lisa.

"The relationship between Samantha, Sebastian, Nikolai and Natalia is very complicated. What would destroy mate bonds with others doesn't with theirs because of their relationships before Natalia and Samantha turned. It isn't something I think could be replicated and I know I wouldn't tolerate it."

"Good, because if I had to watch you be with someone else like Sebastian does it would kill me. Even if I was given access to someone like Helen in compensation." Paul says nuzzling Lisa's neck.

"Go celebrate in your room you two," Nikolai says with good humor.

Lisa leads the way immediately.

The next day Paul feels that he's actually doing something to earn his keep as he stands next to Nikolai at the press conference as he takes formal control of the world.

He hides his smirk the best he can as Nikolai tells the Jihadists that their extremist views will no longer be tolerated. He figures that the vampires in the mid east will be busy hunting and destroying the jihadist for a few months at least.

The announcement about drugs makes him smile even more. He can't believe what he's hearing. The mafia made a good bit of their money from those very drugs they are now banning. Between that and the end of the sex trade and arms dealing, the mafia is basically destroyed.

He never stops his vigilant watch over the crowd and the smell of the blood from those pulled from the audience is starting to drive him mad.

He doesn't relax but he does let out a sigh of relief when Nikolai finally wraps up the press conference and leads the way off the podium.

He hears the sound of the gun go off and pushes Nikolai and Natalia down even as his body takes the bullet.

"Fuck that hurts."

The hunter body guards go hunting and the other vampire guards take Nikolai, Natalia, Helen and Paul into the house.

That's the last thing Paul sees as he passes out from blood loss.

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