The First Glance.

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"Here you go" the lady handed me my Starbucks herbal machiato as I payed her and took my drink. I shoved my book and pen onto my rugsack and headed out,the cold wind blew my hair as I shivered and pulled my coat to my chin and rubbed my hands together as I walked around I saw few people in the park most were couples sitting by the bon fire which happens every evening. I myself sometimes go there with my friends since it was really good and the people are fun there. Today the air spoke of the words love which has not done any good to me yet. Getting dumped on your birthday is not exactly the gift you'd want to be remembering for the rest of your birthdays would it?? I put my thoughts away as I unlocked my car(Black Mercedes Benz) put my bag on the backseat and slid in my seat,to put the key to ignition and start my car. The place was just starting to get more cold but for me it was okay since I got used to the cold days here in New York,I was soon yet on my way home,even at night the traffic jam was horrible just as I was stuck in the jam,I got a call from my roommate "Carter" yes it's a boy but don't worry he's gay and just very gay! I swiped my screen and accepted the call
"Ello Carter" I swooned
"Ello bitch! Where are you?" He said in his British accent
"Well I'm stuck in jam so I should say that I'll be there in about 15minutes? Tops!" I said looking at the time
"Awkay!well I'm making dinner" he said, he's just the best cook seriously!
"What would I do without you?" I chuckled
"Yeah thank my ass for being there!" He laughed
"Oh thank ye the Nicki minaj's butt of ye carter"
"Stop dramatizing and come soon" he huffed
"Okay! See you in a bit!"
"Oh wait!please bring me some nachos and guacamole we're out!" He always finishes it himself and tells me that we're out
"Aye! Bye"
"Ah Buh-Bye" he gritted, I laughed and hanged up the call and drove my way to "S&M mart"
On reaching the mart,I quickly got out and pulled on my coat and ran inside the mart it was pretty cold at night
I walked around each base of the edibles section,I dropped nacho,guacamole mixture,gummy bears,sour patch,skittles,m&ms,talkies and ice cream onto my cart and walked up to my cash counter to pay it. The worker there put my stuffs in the paper bag and I payed him,he gave me the bag with a smile so I thanked him and ran out to my car again,I kept the bag in the backseat and as I was going to enter the driver seat,a certain tune caught my ear someone was strumming the guitar in a very precise way which I've never heard of it before, I followed the sound and it was coming from the bonfire. I was already late to go home but I figured that I should at least find who he is. So I walked to the way of the bon fire and as I stood there next to a girl who looked about my age.
Who looked to my side and smiled so I smiled back to her then she spoke up to me as I was looking at the boy who was playing the guitar ever so gently
"Have I seen you somewhere?" She said with a raised eyebrow
"Um..maybe I'm not good at remembering people" I laughed uneasily
Wait, Lorie? Lorie James?" She said in disbelief
"Yes?" I reaplied in total confusion
"Ma'am it's me Remy" Remy? I don't know any- oh my gosh! My past secretary
"Oh my word! Remy! My gosh I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you! How are you??" I grinned
"I'm very well ma'am" she smiled, aw she became prettier
"It is still Lorie for you,rem"
"Okay Lorie,how are you?"
"I'm well thank you"
"Do you come here every night?" She asked
"Not always but tonight I heard this guy playing the guitar so well so I had to stop by and get a look of him" I chuckled
"That's my fiancé" she grinned
"Aw! You're engaged! How great is that?? I'm really happy for you,congratulations Remy!" I smiled and hugged her
"Thank you so much, Lorie" she smiled back
"Well look at the time, I have to go but it was great seeing you again rem and please do keep in touch we have to catch up again"
"Yes of course,I will take care now"
"You too rem,bye" As I talked to her and turned around an egoistic,dirt bag who was clumsy hands dropped water all over my coat, I quickly rubbed it off and I was ready to kill that person.
But as I looked up,my eyes met with a pair of hazel green eyes which let me tell you I just dazed off into,I was just starring at him but I realized that my coat was still ruined,
"Shit! I'm so sorry, are you okay? Did it hurt you?" He panicked looking at my coat.
"I'm sure that water doesn't hurt you but yeah it did ruin my coat" I said in complete cockiness
"I'm really really sorry, I'm always clumsy like this, I sincerely apologize" he looked like he was really sorry and his handsome face was hard to resist he was a mixture of Cole Sprouse and Hart Denton and his height was 6" like that I guess
"What's done is done, so its okay don't sweat it,no worries" I smiled as he smiled back which was mesmerizing enough to make me look at him again
"Are you sure? Can I do anything to make it up to you?" He asked, yes! Marry me just kidding I'm not that low
"That's fine as I've said... No worries I was just heading home" I nodded
"Thank you, by the way I'm Andrew but you can call me drew" he held out his hand,I gladly accepted it and shook it -Zing- I feel something!
"I'm Lorie" I smiled, we pulled our hands back
"Nice to meet you, I'll see you soon again" I said
"Same Here and sorry again" he chuckled
"No problem there, have a great night" I left before he said anything.
I got into my car and went home,carter was waiting for me with his fetish for foods so we had dinner and got into our own rooms but I still couldn't stop thinking about andrew,there was something about him which made me feel super different,maybe I should tell carter about it tomorrow.
I put all my thoughts aside and went off to dreamland thinking bout the first glance with andrew. I hope I meet him again.

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