I don't like you with him.

54 3 0

I got home and found Carter on the couch so I decided to talk to him about drew,I put my keys on the table,took of my shoes and plopped on the couch next to him,his eyes were glued to the Tv which was playing "Riverdale"
"Well hello to you too" I said in sarcasm
"Mhhhmmhhh" he said still looking at the TV
"I need to talk to you about something" I shifted
"Okay,what's his name?" He waves his hand and switched the TV off,
"How'd you know I was gonna tell you about a guy?"
"Have I met you just today? No so get on with it" He grinned
Then I told him from day one to today
"HE SERIOUSLY HAVE THE CASE OF THE LOVISIES TO YOU!!!" He yelled clapping his hands,
"Okay, one- Owwww! And two!- ppfffttt that's ridiculous,we just met" I huffed
"Who says that you can't fall in love with the person,you just met?" He shrugged, he's right but nooooo,won't happen
"It won't work in this case,besides he has a super hot assistant like Claire I'm pretty sure he'll be very busy with her" I laughed,he looked at me with the stink eye
"Who's the one with balls here?" Gross!!
"You!" I glarred at him
"SO WHO KNOWS THAT GREEK GOD IS THINKING RIGHT FUCKING NOW??!!!" He yelled,making me flinch and roll my eyes.
"Okay fine!! But I'm not going to do anything about it.. I'll let him lead" I put my hands up in defense
"But you gotta tell me everything that happens like everrry day bitch" he flicked
"Aye!Aye!" I chuckled,
"I had a late lunch so not hungry, what bout you??" I leant my head on his shoulder
"I ate with Cara" Cara was his stepsister,all make-up and nothing LOLO!!
"Okay, I'm just going to doze off here" I yawned
"I'll take you up later" he put his arms around me
"Goodnight Carty"
"Goodnight babe" he kissed my temple, you see carter and I were very close that people think that we're a couple and no one believes that he's gay cause he looks like Manu Rios.
With the thought of Drew's hand on my waist today,I yondered off to dreamland...
The Next Day
*Lorie's P.O.V*
I woke and found myself on my bed,carter took me up of course I yawned and stretched out, got up from my bed,did my usual morning routine,dresses up and went down to see breakfast on the table with a note??
Hey you were asleep so I didn't want to wake you,I have an early shoot so I had to go, see you in the evening.. Get some with Dolan!!!!
Carty the Hottie

This boy is seriously the most annoying but cutest! No wonder he's gay tho(😹) so I had my breakfast then I drove to the office, everything was normal and usual but as I got to my door,Jolie had an unusual smile in her face
"Woke up at which side of the bed??" I joked
"The right side,there is something for you inside" she smirked
"Okay thank you?" I said in full doubt and as I opened the door I saw the most beautiful flowers in my table,I walked up to see,it was St.Laurent's Rose Bouquet there was a note,
Note again??!!
Thought a gorgeous girl like you,deserve gorgeous flowers.. I'll see you soon, Ms.James
Till then,
The Rich Dramatic Brat
Oh my gosh! Andrew send me these... How sweet of him!! I love roses, I sniffed the flowers, placed them on my other table and had to start working,
At 2:05Pm
"Excuse me miss??" Jolie peeked her head inside
"Yes,Jolie??" I said with my eyes glued to the MacPC
"Mr.Matthew Downey is here to see you" Matt? What is he here for??
"Send him in, thank you Jolie" after a while,the handsome bubba walked in looking good as ever
"Hello Ms.James" he grinned
"It's Lorie, Mr.Downey" he sat down
"It's Matt, Lorie" we laughed
"So what can I do for you??" I asked
"Um.. Can you go to lunch with me" he said
"Now??" I looked at the time,oh shizzz it was late enough
"yes of course,unless you're busy" he asked
"Hm... Well I'm down for it let's go" I stood up and grabbed my bag but he pulled it away
"I'm paying" he pulled me away towards the door, I gave in and walked out
"Jolie,I'll be out on lunch now,please fax the Miami company about the dealership"
"Right away,ma'am" she rushed inside my office
"Where are we going??" I asked as we were outside and he opened the car door for me
"That is I can't tell restaurant" I got in and so did he
"Hilarious" I said in scarcasm tone
"Just wait and watch" he smiled and soon he started driving out on the main road full of traffic.
"I just hate this traffics" I groaned.
"I hate it too"
"So, what made you come to my office all of a sudden??" I asked,propping my elbow over the cushion stand
"I was hungry, and I thought if you ate and I didn't think so, so I came down here" he shrugged
"Okay," I hummed
"You're a lot better like this,you know?" Hr chuckled
"What do you mean by like this??" I questioned
"Well I mean,come on you were all so attitude and cold-hearted yesterday and you're so chill and hype today" hr blurted out
"Beg to differ that,yesterday was a professional meeting and today is a friendly lunch"
"I'd like you to be this way" he shrugged
"I'd try but in the office I have to be like that..sorry!"
"I don't mind as long as you stay the same when it comes to me" aww,he's so sweet
"Sure,done deal" I grinned
"So are you coming to the Dolan's gala??" He asked
"No, when is it??" I replied.
"I think on Friday" he started to drive out of the city to the beach side
"Oh,well no then" I said
"I guess he's busy with stuffs or else he told me that he wants you to come" he said and I just nodded
"Here we are, my favorite restaurant" he said as he pulled to my favorite restaurant "Bellé Blanché" I loved that place, I used to come Here to eat dinner with my dad and mum, gosh! I miss her (Oh I forgot to mention that Lorie's Mother left her and her dad when she was 11 to be with another man,she wants to hate her mum but she can't)
"This is my favorite place too!" I exclaimed
"Really? I had no idea..." He stretched out his arms
"Oh shit, you googled me,didn't you?? "I chuckled
"Pftt!!! What no!!!"he huffed, I gave him the stink eye
"Okay maybe I did"he put his hands up in surrender
"Awwwwwwww, That's sweet!"
"I know I am" he smirked
"Get ahead of yourself boii" I huffed
"Let's order gurrrlll"he slurred
"Okay, so I'll have a kale salad and an iced tea"i said to the waiter who came over to take our order
"And I'll have a cúrmero with an iced tea too, that's all thank you"The waiter nodded and went back
"So, I was wondering about the contract we signed yesterday "
"What about it?? "
"Will the contract be extended even if the construction is not done on time??, I said
"That entirely depends on you and drew, you have the full power to hold it under any circumstances too"
"Okay" I nodded. My phone rang and it was an unknown number
"Excuse me... " I said to Matt and went out
"James"i said as I picked up the call
"Date with Matt?? " oh gosh, Andrew???
"Andrew?? "
"Yes, "
"He came and insisted on having lunch"
"Yeah I just saw you guys" he sounded pissed
"I don't like you with him"he mumbled
"Why not?? "
"Doesn't matter, be my date this Friday on my gala"
"Sounds like an order, Mr. Dolan"
"Why it is, Ms. James "
"Accepted then.. "
"I'll pick you up at 8"
"Alright, good day and thank you for the flowers it was unexpected "
"We aim to please, Ms. James...  Don't get too attached to matt"
"Not ever, bye"
"Bye" I hanged up and went back inside, our orders arrived already
"Sorry for the intrusion"i sat
"No problem "he smiled
"So,  drew called and he wants me too be his date" I said
"A-ha, I knew it! "he chuckled,
"Ookkaayy??? "
"Good of you to come and join us" He smiled
"Yeah uh happy to be a part of it, Do you have a date? "
"Well not yet, I think I'd rather be a single pringle that day"

I thought you had a girlfriend " he chuckled at my reply
"No,  not a one woman man" Ew
"Oh" I shifted
"I'm just kidding girl" phew
"Damn, Matthew, you scared me" I breathed out
"Chill, I'm newly single" there was hurt in his eyes
"Forgive me but what happened?? " I asked
"She got tired, I'm out for work most of the time so she left without saying anything not even a goodbye "
"I'm sure she wasn't for you, everything happens for a good reason.. You deserve better " I smiled give him a reassuring smile as he nodded and silently ate his lunch, I feel bad for this guy. Why doesn't Drew like me with him?? Guess I could ask him in the gala

A/N- Hey guys, I'm really sorry for delaying this chapter so much, I hope you can understand and continue to support my book! Also this book have been ranked #20 in the category of green eyes! Aahhhh I'm so happy! 
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Until next time, Love,
                                Lovi. A 🖤

Not His First but definitely His Last.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें