Second Encounter with the green eyes.

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-Next Morning-
Lorie's P.O.V
I got up early did some exercises in my gym and looked over at some contracts for my takeover in my dad's company once he is over to Casablas to manage his company there.But I'm like literally the one who manages everything here since dad and mum is never around it's exhausting but at the same really good cause I keep myself preoccupied with my busy schedules. I took a shower,did all the essentials,dressed up,made breakfast for Carter and left for the office,since carter is this fashion consultant he has his schedules from like 12 so he sleeps in everyday. After I got to my office ,I parked my car,took my bag and went inside.People greeted me as I walked in and i smiled at them.I got in the elevator and pushed the button to the 13th floor, yes! That's the office a 13 floored office pretty neat huh?
So anyway I went up to my office to be greeted by my assistant Jolie, she wished me and handed me the papers,I took it and went to my office,after that time went by as quick as I could blink I was so busy with all my work that I had no time for lunch, it was 4 in the evening and I was drained, I loosened my tucked shirt button down a little to the 3rd button since I was burned up, just then I realized that I was getting hungry so I called in Jolie to take over my paperwork and I went down to the cafe just next to our office to have a quick lunch, I always go there to eat it has some of the best cappuccino in town. I got myself a caviar avocado salad and some iced tea,I was looking g over at my emails while eating yes! I'm that busy,when I felt someone stamding beside me I looked up to see a pair of familiar green eyes
"We meet again,ma'am" he chuckled.Omgoshh! It was Andrew
"Hello again," I giggled,wtf! I don't giggle!!!
"Mind if I sit here?" He had a cup of coffee in his hand, perfectly pushed back hair, in black button up shirt I could literally see his muscles flexing,black pants and black oxfords,his eyes were just so captivating,I shook myself out of it
"Earth to lorie?" He waved his hand
"I'm sorry-what?" I was flushed
"Can I sit here??"
"Of course, please" I smiled
He sat down and smiled at me,
"So what brings you here?" I asked,he's here to eat or drink something you baffon! Real smooth
"Stalking you... " he shrugged,my eyes widened
"Just kidding, here for some air and coffee,what about you?"
"Lunch" I flicked
"This late??" He said in pure shock
"Yeah,I lost track of time working"
"Who's your boss??"
"Huh? Okay, where do you work?"
"James Global Enterprises.."
"Ah, so you own it?" He sipped on his coffee
"Well my dad did, but since we go global,I handle here and Miami"
"You must be a really busy woman"
"Well,I'm eating my lunch here at 4pm,so I guess" I shoved the salad in my mouth
"Any plans after this??" He asked, damn that smile
"Well I have a meeting with Dolan Enterprise, the CEO being unpunctual, rude and freaking annoying set the meeting at 5" I rolled my eyes
"That's rude, sorry to hear that" he said,rubbing the back of his neck
"That's not your fault, it's fine I have to deal with all kinds of jerks I'm sure it'll be a rich spoiled kid,with attitude which is nip in the butt"
"Hope not." He mumbled,I looked at my phone and it was already 4:56
"Oh shit! I'll be late, I have to go now" I stood up
"I will see you real soon again" he contoured
"I hope so, well bye drew" I took my phone and iced tea and ran to my office
I reached just in time and Jolie was lazily laying on my couch, I was a little shook but then I chuckled caying her to stand up in complete fear
"I'm guessing our client's not here?" I sat down in my chair,fixed myself up and put on some lipsmacker
"Yes ma'am, I'll just go check" she ran out
"Excuse me miss? They're here"Jolie smiled,I nodded indicating her to let them in,
I picked up their file and as soon as I opened it, I heard a familiar voice
" Hello,Miss James" I looked up to see, Andrew????
I was shock but then I regained myself as I saw his assistant following him with his attorney
"Please take make yourselves comfortable"I smiled
" Pleasure to meet you,I'm Andrew Dolan" he pulled out his hand
"pleasure is all mine,Mr.Dolan"
"I apologize for not being punctual, rude and annoying by calling you in such an inappropriate time for meeting I hope you don't think of me just a rich soiled kid with an attitude" He smirked, Ughhhh this boy!
"Absolutely not" I sheepishly smiled
"This is my attorney Mr. Matthew Downey and my assistant Ms.Claire Lyons" he introduced them,I look at Matt he was just about my age,really good looking and dammnn he fine!!! And However Ms.Claire was on point with a short pencil skirt,shirt which I could see a peak of her clevage,her dirty blonde reached over to her waist,the smug on her faceand she looked at drew like he was a meal, I could clearly tell she was a B-I-T-C-H!!
"Hello Matt,Claire"I half-smiled
" Hello Ms.James" they both said and they sat down
"So how can I be of help,Mr.Dolan??" I leaned back on my chair and looked at him,
"I heard you were intrested in our property placed in Maui?" He asked,
"Yes I am, it's a beautiful place"
"If you don't mind me, May I ask of what are you going to invest there??"
"Well, I'm thinking of building a resort there "
"What if I say that we're interested it selling it off to you?-" I cut him off
"But,there lies something, which is?" I snapped
"40per cent ownership of the place" he leaned back, it's an okay deal but how do I know he's for real? I don't trust people this easily but he sounds pretty honest,
"Will you be sponsering during the construction time??"
"I will be there" Claire cut in
"Thank you but I was asking Mr.Dolan as he asked me you see,Ms.Lyons" I raised my eyebrow at her
"Of course whenever you want me" he chuckled
"Well then, I would like to join in on this" I smiled
"If you could sign on some papers??" Matt asked, dammnn his looks
"Sure," he handed me the papers,I looked at them one by one and signed in all of them and gave it back to him.
"So is that all??" I asked,leaning on my desk
"Yes, that's all, see you again real soon Ms.James" he stood up and smirked,he's gonna be the death of me!
"Likewise,Mr.Dolan" I stood up too and shaked my hand with him,Matt and Claire..Matt winked at me which was weird and I could see Drew clenching his fists, WEIRD!
"I hope that the next time we meet will be of without business" Matt Smiled.
"Sure!" I smiled back more like creeped out, Matt and Claire walked out so I took my chance and stood near andrew, even though I was wearing heels he was still quite tall from me, I had to look up,I smacked his arm
"Ow! What was that for?? That is not a good way to treat your partner Ms.James" he grinned
"Partner,My butt! You are such a tease!" I glarred at him
"Okay okay! Sorry!" He put his hands up in surrender
"Yeah yeah, see you spoiled brat!" I hissed
"My!My! That hurt" he put his hand on his heart and acted like he was hurt
"Dramatic Spolied Brat!" I smirked, he came awfully close to me,I could feel his body heat,and my heart was racing faster and faster, he put his hand on my waist
"Now,we don't want any distractions do we?Ms.James?" He looked straight into my eyes
"N-No" I stuttered
"Good that i have that effect on you, till then don't think too much about me" he kissed my knuckles and just walked out
Woah! What the hell was that? He's such a tease!! I can't believe he has that affect of me... This won't work,I can't be preoccupied by these stuffs again, I was still in awe of what happened, but after a while I regained my senses and decided to go back home.

A/N- How was it?? Was it too obvious or anything like that?? This is not good but I promise that I'll try and write better for you guys! Thank you so much for taking the time and reading this.

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Till then love you and take care.

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