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The screams of men and cries of the innocent filled the air. It was too dark to see, but one could guess that someone was being punished. It was something that was normal in the poorer parts of Egypt, something that couldn't be avoided.

It was also a very common event to be witnessed for those who were not forced to do physical labor, but those who were to be sold off. Many would be put into this area of work, but the prettier ones were sold into the sex market, destined to be dirtied by their masters day in, day out.. The 'pretty' girls generally were lighter haired, had sand-colored skin, and blue/green eyes, meaning that they were likely foreign. The common looking people looked ordinary with their dark skin and callussed hands from many years of work.

There was one of interest in the group. She could go either way, but she was rather beautiful for an Egyptian girl. She had olive-skin, hair black as night, and blue eyes that sparkled, with a dash of Kohl to give the appearance of a cat eye. She was sitting rather alone, for being crammed in a group of people. She wasn't shy, but rather shut in.

The screams were those of slaves, judging by their pitch. Within a few moments, the screaming stopped. Had someone"s life been ended? Were those cries of horror silenced by a sharp blade?

Then there was a harsh male shriek. One of the slave owner's.

The silence... Was eerie. The thoughts of people were whispered silently on the un-moving wind.

The sound of sandals echoed.




They grew very close..

Something gold shined in the darkness, as well as violet eyes.
They looked past the beautiful young girls, and beyond the beaten slaves. He made a hand motion to leave, and the message was heard loud and clear.
People snuck out, almost daring, as if they thought there may be still guards on their path to freedom.

The violet eyes had laid on you. They were unmoving, and a playful smirk was almost visable.

The girl he set eyes on quickly knew his intentions, and was not afraid for the future.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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