Mr, Grumpy

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Everything was perfectly fine everyone was just sitting around Pidge was explaining things to Keith. While Matt watched them since they were dating even though Keith had the talk with Matt. He still wanted to make sure everything was good with them though since he was her brother.

Keith sat there all in complete galra form looking at Pidges computer screen seeing all the different things she was talking about. From alien tech to normal human engineering to evolution to well everything she was interested in. Of course Keith listened to her he heard every word she said but he had to ask some questions to understand what she was talking about.

Soon enough Pidge looked above her seeing Keith right there on her shoulder with his arms around her cuddling her. She smiled at him and leaned him down more so she could kiss his cheeck. He looked over at her and smiled he kissed her forehead she giggled a bit and then just looked at her screen to see where she was at. Keith looked over to find Alura taking pictures, Lance on the verge of laughter while taking pictures. Matt stay there nodding hi head at Keith not mad at all while Shiro just chuckled and Hunk was dead. Coran was taking pictures as well and Keith was about to lose it when Pidge looked up and saw he was a little mad.

Keith looked at them and made a low growl while he showed his teeth a tiny bit Matt laughed while the other stopped and were still and quiet.

"Hahaha that backfired at you guys".

Pidge looked up and heard Keith growl and saw Keith was looking at everyone else who was taking pictures but now they were still Pidge just sighed. She looked at Keith and out her computer down then she kissed him on the cheek agien Keith stopped growling and looked at her she giggled. Keith reluctantly put his attention back on her Pidge just looked at him and then scratched him behind the ears. He purred and then I opeand his eyes wide and Pidge laughed at him when she say he was a little embarrassed by the noise.

"You so cute Keithy I love it when you purr it's adorable you don't have to hide it come on I know the weak spot".

Pidge scratched Keith's ear and then the side of his chin and then slightly to the left behind his ear and that made him purr a little louder. And Keith gave up he knew he would lose against Pidge either she kept makeing him purr or she tickled him so he just have up. Pidge moved her hand from his ear to his chin and then she stroked his hair.

"So you gave up huh", "Yes", Keith yawned and then Pidge giggled Keith kissed her forehead and that made any one loss it. "Awwwwww so cute", "Oh my god Pidge", "That's my girl you got this pidge"," Go pidge". Keith turned and growled at them once agien then they shut it and Matt laughed agien. "Wow are you tired Keith you seem grumpy", Keith just looked away which made Pidge laugh. "Come on let's go grumpy pants, goodnight everyone".

Pidge got up and then had Keith get up off the couch she moved over and grabbed Keith's arms nd walked with him out of there. They walked the hall ways together over to Keith's room since it was right there. And Keith still had that face he made like always when he wasn't happy and Pidge just laughed.

"Is my kitty grumpy now huh", "Stop it I'm not a baby", "Oh is that right", "Yes you butt", "Oh someone dose need a nap after all", "Will you stop", "Never emo kitty never now come on I'm tired". Keith walked with her but mumbled something, "What did I do for you to be so mean not like I growled at you", "Come on mumble butt were here". Pidge opeand his door and they walked in it was so clean and organized like normal. "Go on take your shower and then we can call it a night kitty", "When did you become the boss of me", "When someone was being a grumpy butt", "Stop calling me that".

Keith sighed and grabbed some black shorts and a ripped up hoodie it only had the selves ripped up but it was nice and Keith liked it. Then he grabbed some underwater and went to take a shower while Pidge took off her sweeter and had her green tank top on with green shorts. She then grabbed a poetry book that had multiple poem's of famous poets she looked through them to see where Keith left off but soon gave up to wait for him. Once Keith was out of the bathroom he went over and layed down and Pidge handed him the book he chuckled and flipped over to the page.

Keith read the poems to her until he fall asleep and Pidge grabbed the book out of his galra hands then marked his spot and put the book away. She moved over and cuddled with Keith while he slept so peaceful and cute like and soon fall asleep as well. Little did the two know that everyone took pictures and that Matt her brother made everyone get out while seeing they were both covered up with cloths and a blanket.

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