Really, gilinsky?

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*Bianca's pov*

"Are you serious?"jack looked furious. He kept clenching his fists and I rubbed my hand along his back.

"Yes. The fingerprints match hers."

"Well can I ask you something?" the officer asked.

"Yes." Jack locked his jaw.

"How do you know her?"

"She is a cheerleader at our school and she was jack's girlfriend ams then thy broke up." I explained.

"Ok. Thank you. We will put that in the report."

"Well what do we do now?"

"We notified your parents and they will come pick you up."

"Ok thanks."

"Have a goodnight and be safe."

"You as well." I closed the door behind them.

"That little-" I pressed my finger to jack's lips.

"It's gonna be ok." I nestled my face in his neck and left little kisses.


"Yes?" I pulled away looking him.

"Don't start what you can't finish."

"Huh?" I ask innocently looking at him through my eyelashes.

"Good Bianca. You can't look at me like that and expect me not to want you to be underneath me."

"Oops." I giggled. "Sorry." I batted my eyes a few times and he glared at me.

"The things I would do."

"Why not?" I was teasing him knowingly. I knew it took every ounce of his strength to not do want he wants.

"Because you want to wait."

"Isn't it fun?" I smiled. "Waiting."

"No. And you are making it hard. Way too hard."

"Well my job is done then." I stood up and was halfway to the bathroom, when he pinned me against the wall.

"Like I said baby." He kissed my neck. "Don't start what you can't finish."

"Oh but I did you see." I explained as he started to lightly nibble on my neck. I ran my hands through his hair and I rolled my eyes back in my head. "I got up and left, but you being the all to hormonal boy you are, you couldn't let me slip through your fingers."

"Nope." He pulled away to answer.

"My mom isn't going to be to happy about this is she now?"

"I will." He moved his mouth and found my sweet spot. I bit my lip and shifted. He pulled away to look at me.

"Isn't so fun when it's the other way around now is it?"

"Not really" he smiled. "I never said stop" he smirked at my words and his mouth continued working on my neck. If I wasn't pressed against the wall my knees would give out. He knew what he was doing and I knew most of my neck will have red and purple marks tomorrow. He moved his mouth to my collar bone and left one more. He pulled away and smiled.

"Go look Bianca." He nodded towards the bathroom. I turned on the lights and almost dropped dead. My neck has multiple hickeys. I started counting and included the one on my collar bone. The fan total was 6.

"You ass. You gave me six. Six!" I lightly hit his chest. He threw his head back in laughter and that's when I took the opportunity for revenge. I, in return, gave him 7.

"Take that!"i yelled after I had finished my masterpiece. He ran to the bathroom and turned on the lights.

"You did not."

"Oh but I did." I laid back on the bed and as soon as i did I heard a knock on the door. Jack opened it, not even bothering to check who it was.

"Oh hi dad." Oh crap. We both had over a dozen hickeys combined. I'm scared at what he'll think of me.

"Hey Mr. Gilinsky." I stand up fixing my hair so it covers my neck. His father looked at him knowingly.

"Did you use protection?" was all he asked. My mouth fell open and jack laughed.

"Sir I didn't-" I started but jack has to open his mouth.

"Yes. Yes we did. She was very good as you can tell." he pointed to his neck.

"I see. Well I'm ready when you are."

"Ok. We'll be ready in 5." Jack's dad nodded and left.

"You're gonna get it. "

"Oh yes I am." He kissed my lips again and we cleaned up the room.


Ok I am so sorry I haven't updated. I ha finals and my cousin is in town. So yeah. Anyways thanks.

Love always,


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