Waking Up

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The white and grey titles above him are the only things he can see. His vision is hazy and out of focus as the Alpha’s best friend, Shane, leans over him. He’s carrying with him what Rick can only guess is a bouquet of lilies in a blue and white antique vase in his arms. Shane wears his police T-shirt that had seen better days from what he can make out in the mess of colors. His red, baggy eyes, his face pale like he hadn’t been sleeping. Shane looks at him and sighs before he addresses Rick in a distorted voice. Shane observes Rick for a moment before he steps off to the side, out of Rick’s peripheral vision. After what feels like a few minutes of silence, Rick’s vision settles into focus and calls out to Shane.

“Shane?” No answer. Scenting the air and seeing that only his scent was present, Rick looked around. It was odd only smelling himself because the nurse’s scent should be substantial if they checked on him. He looks around, noticing he’s completely alone. He sees the monitors he’s hooked up to are off, and the flowers that the other Alpha had placed next to his bed are dead.

Disoriented and confused, Rick tries to get out of the hospital bed. Tossing the blankets aside, Rick sits up and grabs the IV pole next to him before trying to stand. Once he puts weight on his legs, they give out, and Rick is on the floor, unable to breathe.  His legs are far weaker than he thinks they should be for being out for such a short amount of time. He turns on his side and rips the IV from his arm before calling out in a hoarse voice. “Nurse. Help.” 

When no one responds, he calls out again, scenting the air. The whole building smells wrong. It smelled nothing like sterilized bandages and medicine but of death.  Getting to his unsteady feet and waiting for balance, Rick makes his way to the bathroom. He leans against the door with a heaving breath and stares in shock at the mirror. He’s thin, thinner than he can ever remember being. His stubble is more significant in length than it had been before he got shot. Sticking his head under the faucet, he drinks the stale-smelling water to clear his dry throat. Once Rick has had his fill, he turns the water off. He wipes his hands off on his hospital gown, mindful of the bandages on his side that smell infected. He walks out into the hallway and pushes a gurney that blocks the door out of the way.

The hallway was a war zone. Papers littered the floor, and the lights were flickering. Thrown open doors to other rooms; some lights were on and some lights off. Rick starts to make his way down the hallway, confused about the lack of people. He walks down another hallway, stopping at doors. Looking in one, he drops to his knees at the sight in front of him. Bracing himself against the door, he stares at the decaying body of a woman lying in the center of the other hall. 

‘Oh my God, what happened here? Where is everyone?’ Rick thinks as he walks away from the doors, his fear growing with each step he takes. He stares in horror at the bullet-ridden blood-stained walls. Puddles of the red liquid coat the floor; footprints slide in and out of view. He enters another hallway, being careful not to cut his feet on the glass. His breathing catches in his throat at the chained and barred door. The words ‘Don’t Open, Dead Inside’ are spray-painted across them.

Rick turns to his left and pushes the doors open, bolting from the building. Opening the exit door, Rick makes his way outside, using the wall as support. He keeps his head down, trying to ignore the bodies wrapped in bloody sheets that cover the parking lot.

Rick makes it to his house with little memory of how he got there. Racing up the porch as best he can, he throws the screen door open and walks in, calling for his wife and son. 

Walking into his and Lori’s room, he notices the clothes thrown everywhere, a suitcase on the bed. The whole scene reminded him of hasty packing. It was like something more important had come up, and the bag left behind, forgotten. Going into the next room shows a similar scene, with little boy clothes thrown everywhere. Making his way out of the rooms, he drops to his knees and calls out for his family again, terrified. 

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