I Hear Nebraska's Nice

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It was breakfast the following day when Glenn dropped the bomb on everyone. He stands up and walks over to the tent closest to the barn, ignoring Maggie on her front porch, shaking her head, silently begging him not to do this. Seeing he was where he wanted to be and clearing his throat, he tried to draw out some of the Alpha strength he had experienced yesterday with Maggie and the Walker.

“Uh, guys?” Glenn’s voice cracked. Once he got everyone’s attention, he looked to his Alpha, hoping he could help. Rick nods his support, and Glenn belts it out quick before he loses his nerve, “The barns full of Walkers.”

Everyone has the same reaction; still, silent, then running to the barn. Glenn watches Maggie’s head fall to her hands, and he sends out a silent apology before taking off after the Flock. Carol was holding Carl back from the door while Shane looked inside through a crack in the wood.

“Rick!” He bellows, walking back to the group, “You cannot tell me you’re ok with this.”

“I’m not.”

“But you didn’t feel the need to tell any of us about this either huh?”

“Glenn.” Rick turns to his Packmate, “How did you find out about this?”

“Oh, for the love of--”

Snarling, Rick got real close to Shane’s neck and snapped his teeth at his throat. Glenn starts whining loudly, realizing how much trouble he was in for not telling Rick first, then the group. His Alpha pulls away from Shane and goes over to him.

Glenn held nothing back, “Me and Maggie were going to do it again and she said I could pick the place. It was at that dinner after Daryl got shot, two days ago. She didn’t see where we were meeting until it was too late, and I’d already seen them. I told Dale yesterday while you guys were training with the guns cause Dale’s the Elder and Peacekeeper and I thought he could talk to Hershel, but then Maggie swore me to secrecy, but it was eating at me and…. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Rick.”

A fight breaks out between everyone and Shane on whether to leave. Sophia was brought up again by Carol, who got updates on the search from both Rick and Daryl. Shane turns around on the Omega and goes to town, “Alright listen I know everyone wants to think positively but I think it’s time to start thinking realistically. Your daughter is dead, and they are looking for a Walker at best.”


“You’re wrong!” Carl runs between the two Alphas, walkie in hand. “I put one of these in Daryl’s bag before he left so we could talk to him. That’s why I needed them before, we’ve been checking the rang on them. Daryl has Sophia with him right now.”

“Then why ain’t they in the camp little man?”

“Sophia is presenting. She could go into heat and there are seven Alphas here. How many of them are on Suppressants?” Carl was growing a mouth on him, Rick realized. He would be maturing soon. Carl turns the radio on and starts trying to reach Daryl.

“Man, Fort Benning. It’s still an option.” Shane ignores the pup and turns on Rick.

“We’re not leaving without Sophia.” Shane throws a punch at Rick, and the Alpha returns the favor. The two Packs start to separate their Alphas, ignoring the black eyes, growling, and flashing teeth. Rick backs off when Glenn grabs the back of his neck and yanks, dragging him almost to the ground. Gaining his footing, Rick turns to Shane, who is being held back by his Mate.

“I’ll talk to Hershel. Let me figure this out.”


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