Chapter 2

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We all gotta out of the car and quietly shut the door. Logan put away his keys in his pocket as we started walking towards the stationary stand. Logan walked behind the counter and clocked in.

"I'll see you later."  Logan said as he waved us away.

" Bye bro."

"Bye Logan.' Kristen said next to me. We waved him goodbye as we set on our travels.

" Are you ready for some hardcore hiking?"

"Definitely." I replied as Kristen started walking in front of me towards the trail. I quickly caught up to her and we descended into the woods. It was amazing walking into such a peaceful milieu. Ever since Logan got this job, I have come here. It has always been my getaway destination. I feel calm whenever I'm here. Sometimes, I bring my camera and take pictures. That is one of my hobbies that I love doing. I want to do that when I get older and am in college. I want to be a professional photographer. It has been a passion along with singing. If I could get anywhere with singing then i would take up, but I don't think I would be able to make a living out of it. Singing is my true passion. I love photography, but I would ultimately love to be a singer. I don't want it to be famous, I want it so I can inspire others with my music. I want to make a difference.

"Alex. Are you even listening?" Kristen said waving her hand in front of my face.

"Sorry. What?"

"I was talking about Austin."

" What about him?"

"He has been acting weird lately. I don't know. I try to talk to him and he just acts strangely. I'm just worried."

" Lock him in your room and tell him can't leave until he talks to you." I started laughing at the end of the sentence and Kristen joined in.

" I could do that. Ha. He would probably like it."

"True. You guys would probably end up having a make out session, but what bad would that be." She laughed as she thought about what I just said.

" But seriously just talk to him about it. I'm sure it's nothing."

" Your right. I might just be overreacting."

" Yeah you tend to that sometimes." We continued our hike as we talked. Just bantering back and forth. We got to the top and took in the scenery of the city. It was quite interesting how you can be in two completely different worlds. One of trees and creatures and another of skyscrapers and honking horns. I prefer the atmosphere I am in now. I looked around and realized that there were not many people here. There were three guys who looked around our age, a family of five, and a couple who looked in their thirties. As I glanced every which way, I noticed my brother coming up with a class of students who appeared to be in sixth grade. He noticed me and waved. He then turned around and continued with his hiking tour. The vicinity was now overrun with sixth graders.

" Wanna head back down? These kids are ruining my mood."

" Yeah sure." We were walking down and Kristen walked in front of me. I looked at the dirt ground and payed attention to my steps that i was taking. I wasn't realizing how fast I was going and bumped into Kristen.

"Hey sorry Kristen. I wasn't paying attention."

"No its fine, but I'm not Kristen. I'm Keaton."

"Hi. I'm Alex. Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going."  As I looked up at Keaton, I noticed he was short, had brown hair, and amazing eyes that were hazel. We stopped walking and he looked down awkwardly. He looked to be around my age. He appeared shy.

"No, no. It's fine." After he said that, a boy looked towards Keaton. He had brown-ish/ black-ish hair and a built figure.

" Yeah bro. Get itttt."

" Wes shut up." He said as he shoved his friend.

" Sorry. My brother isn't shy and like all brothers do wants to embarrass me."

" I totally get it. My brother does the same."

" You have a brother too? cool."

" Yeah, He is actually the hike guide."

"Really? He helped us out. He seems chill."

"Yeah he is." I looked over and notice Kristen talking to Wes and the other guy that they have with them. He looks oddly familiar. I just can't place his face though. I hate when that happens.

" Who is that other dude with you guys?" I looked over at the other guy. He was tall with blond hair and blue eyes like me.

"That's Drew. He my unbialogical brother. Who is the girl with you?"

"My unbialogical sister, Kristen."

"Cool. Looks like they are getting along."

"Yeah. She makes friends very easily. I on the other hand completely mess everything up." We both start laughing simultaneously.

"I am the exact same way. I must be doing something right because I'm talking to you." I could feel the heat travel to my cheeks. I quickly looked down averting his gaze.

"I guess so."

"We were just gonna go head out and go to the beach. Umm- Www-would you maybe want to come with us? You can bring Kristen of course."

"Sure let me make sure it's ok with Kristen." I walked over to Kristen with Keaton following behind me.

"Hey Kren. Keaton here just invited us to go with him to the beach. Wanna go?"

" Yeah sounds like a plan."

"k cool."

"Yes Keaton we would love to go to the beach with you. I just hope you don't turn into crazy kidnappers."

"We aren't. I can promise you."

"Speaking of kids, don't you have to hangout with Jen?"

"Shit. I forgot about her."

"Hey I know I just met you and all but do you think I could bring my little sister with us?"

" Yeah sure no problem." Keaton replied nicely.

"Thanks so much."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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