To the Workplace

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(Sean POV)

It was still very early when I had to go to my workplace. It was around four in the morning, so the streets were still empty just like the early morning itself. I didn't feel any cold or loneliness in my Sedan, however. And it was worth mentioning that my workplace is classified in the middle of, well, nowhere. But at least it just took about 10 minutes from my home.

My workplace really has no official name. And that is on purpose, actually. No official name means no government would ever be involved on aything we were facing against.
The girls, surprisingly, didn't really make an all-time-talk on my way to the office. But they sure do make me an audience.

"....... and then they lived happily ever after. The End." Monika ended her story.

"Well, that's. ..... interesting?" Yuri commended.
"But it wasn't really accurate, right Sean?"

"Well, Pinocchio is a fictional character after all." I explained.

"But the part when Pinocchio turned into a real boy isn't true, right?" Natsuki asked.

"It's true."
"And that's the reason why sometimes some kids like to wandering around a clothes store and just yell something like 'mommy, mommy! When will that mannequin become alive?'" I said to them.

"Did you do that when you were little?" Sayori asked jokingly.

"Unfortunately, yes. Yes I did." I admitted.

They all immediately burst out, laughing. I, eventually, also followed the vibe. Remembering childhood can sometimes be painful. But fortunately, I had a wonderful childhood.

Sayori was about to say something when a call got in. It was from Casey, my coworker.

"Hey, Sean. Are you near, already? Big boss is going to be mad at you." She warned me.

"I'm near. Just get ready." I said to her.

"Hey, asshole!" Nick, the security guy, butted in.

"Hello for you too, asshole!"

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you too!" I said to him.

He hung up. The reason of Nick's hating towards me was because I 'revealed' his affair to her girlfriend. And he hated me since then. But fortunately, he doesn't want to kill me. Just hate me very, very much.

I looked to my phone and all the girls were throwing daggers to me. I didn't know why, but Yuri was the one who threw the sharpest of all.

"Sean... who was the girl?" Monika suspiciously asked.

"That's just my coworker. Why?"

"Uh huh. 'Coworker'" Sayori sarcastically said.

"Hey! I'm serious!"
"And since when you being so sarcastic?"

I kept driving untill I reaced an abandoned dock. The atmosphere of it was enough to scare a crybaby out of  there with ease. The girls were scared when I stepped out from the car.

I walked to the edge of the dock and started to make a signal with my modified watch. I went back to my car afterwards.

"What are we doing?" Yuri asked.

"Just wait."

Then, a submarine submerged from the depth of the ocean. The submarine was very big. But somehow, they managed to fit it in this dock.

"Come in, Sean!" Michael yelled from the top hatch.

The submarine opened itself. I drove my car towards it. When I was in, I checked my phone and it was glitching uncontrollably before finally returned back.

"Sean. Did you do that?" Monika asked.

"No. But it's probably nothing." I soothed them.

Then, I got a picture from an unknown number. The picture was a drawing of the Third-Eye.

Creeped by it, I deleted the picture and blocked the number.

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