0 - Prologue

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"Do you know how angry it makes me when you disobey, Frank?" Gerard asked as he paced around the smaller boy, who was kneeling in the center of the room, head down and hands behind him. When he refused to speak, Gerard grabbed his chin, forcing him to look up. "Answer me, boy." He snarled, spitting in Frank's face. Frank gasped, but for some reason, he couldn't be mad about it. If anything, it got his insides churning in a way that made him feel like he needed it. He needed Gerard to discipline him, to control him.

"I'm sorry, sir." Frank spoke, making an attempt to cover how excited he really was about this moment. All he had wanted was Gerard's attention, but now he was getting it, all of it was on Frank and what he was to do with the disobedient assistant.

"Not nearly as sorry as I am going to make you, pup." He growled, tugging the short boys hair so he was forced to look up with his mouth open before spitting into it. The bitter taste of coffee and cigarettes filled Frank's mouth. It was disgusting, but again, Frank felt like he needed it. Almost craving it, really. He gulped, swallowing the bitter fluid. Gerard stood up, releasing the smaller boy. "I don't know what to do with you..such a disobedient brat." He snarled, his voice low and smooth. "Maybe I should bend you over my lap and give you twenty five with my belt." Frank visibly shuddered, his cheeks heating up at the thought. "Bend you over the bed and cane your ass. Teach you who is in charge here." Gerard smirked at the small whine escaping Frank's lips. "Or maybe I fuck you hard and fast, make you beg to come, but you never will."

"Sir-" Frank gasped as he was slapped on the cheek, the mark of Gerard's hand pink on his pale skin.

"I didn't ask you to speak, did I boy?" Frank shook his head, keeping his gaze trained to the floor. "Such a disrespectful little boy. Stay put, or else you'll make things worse for yourself." He growled, leaving the room.

Frank squirmed, his knees beginning to ache. He had been in the same position for at least an hour and a half. He was afraid of moving, Gerard was pissed with him and if he fucked up again, he would be in deep shit. After what felt like half an hour, Gerard walked back into the room holding a bundle of rope and a black bag.

"On the bed, boy. Legs open and hands behind you."

Okay this is a new book I'm going to try to keep up on. Maybe I do a collab or something but idk. Y'all try to keep me on this please xD

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