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    "It's all over, you can go." A voice filled Rowan's head, it lied to him to be honest, it wasn't like what they said to him, Stephens still here, but where. Rowan's tears burned his face, drenching his hands. [please prepare for core scan in 3... 2..-] Something suffocated Rowan in dread, along with tears, he can hear Stephen's cries for them to stop but it suffocated Rowan with no escape, an invisible force holding him back from being real, he could feel blood pouring from his lungs into his mouth, Rowan's pale grey eyes sharpened as he felt the force grow stronger, he cried out but nothing came out besides a few short coughs and gags, [scan complete] Rowan dropped to the floor, breathing heavily, he heard someone push Stephen aside and walked up to Rowan's useless tired body. "He's a lot wimpier than what the files said eh? I'm gonna take care of the rest of the process, your excused." A formal voice ordered three scientists to drag Stephen out of the situation, "They will hook Mr.Pendleton to a machine to erase you from his life, he will be fine." The man held Rowan by his neck up to his face. He dragged Rowan out and strapped him to a machine tha-


Wheatley shot up in pure fear, he saw something outside the window, a strange silhouette of a young man stared back at him, the figure had the outline of fluffy curly hair, it was Rowan, but he was dead according to Wheatley, within a blink of an eye, Rowan was gone, and Wheatley kept that all to himself, no one should ever know.

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