i don't know

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You're a whore
A complete slut
But I'm no better

You say you like me
But is that true
You were my first kiss
But I was nowhere near

The signals you're sending me are more confusing then my homework
You don't want to be hurt again
I get that
I would never force myself upon you
Like he did

I've seen you go through boyfriends
All the while sharing late night makeout sessions with me
Then going back to him

Should I believe you when you said you liked me
Or should I trust my instincts

Everyone sees us as a couple
But they don't see how you push me away when I try to kiss you
Only for you to want to make out in the school bathrooms the next day
All the while knowing I have a girlfriend
But also knowing how addicted I am to you
Just like those cigarettes you got me started on.

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