Chapter 2 Is This an Affair?!

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POV Izuku Midoriya

I slowly opened my eyes. "Erm.... what time is it?" I sat up in the bed I thought was mine and tried to find my phone. It was dark in the room and I couldn't see anything. I started to feel around for it and finally found it. "..... 3:30... what day is it..?" I looked for the date on my phone. "...Saturday...?" I shut my phone off the lied back down on the bed and shut my eyes again.

A few moments later I felt something.. no.. more than one thing grabbing all over my body.. I felt it like there was no clothing on my body. ".... wait..." I sat up and felt my body. W-where are my clothes!? W-who's grabbing me!? What's going on!?! I looked over to see 2 figures lying on the bed next to me. T-they're naked too!! What's going on?! What happened last night!? I got my phone back out and turned on a dim flashlight. "KACCHAN!?! TODOROKI-KUN!? E-EH!?" I squeaked.

Todoroki-kin and Kacchan were still sleeping but they grabbed my chest both at the same time and pulled me down. They both started grabbing me everywhere. I couldn't shake them. No matter how hard I tried they wouldn't let me go. Kacchan was grabbing my dick and Todoroki had my entire chest.

"K-Kacchan! T-Todoroki-kun! Stop please!!" I yelled.

"What the fuck Deku... I was sleeping..." Kacchan half yelled.

"Get away from him Bakugou...! How many times do I have to tell you to stay away!" Todoroki-n got out of the bed and dragged me with him. I held onto the covers as tight as a could because I was still naked. I dragged the covers off of Kacchan who then got up in anger. Todoroki-kun got in front of me as I sat on the floor curled up in a ball trying to cover myself up. The 2 boys were standing infront of me butt naked. One defending me and one on the offensive.

"Deku give me the fucking covers!! Now!!" Kacchan tried to attack me to get the covers back but Todoroki-kun stood in the way to defend me.

"I wont let you touch Midoriya! I promised him I would protect him from you!" Todoroki-kun yelled as he attacked Kacchan back.

"Uhm..... hey guys.. you do realize you're naked right?? And we all woke up in the same bed...." I said to them as they were in the middle of fighting. Kacchan had Todoroki-kun's hair and Todoroki-kun was pulling Kacchan's cheek.

They both stopped fighting to look at me. Then they looked down at their bodys, then back at me again, then they looked at each other.

"What did you do to Midoriya!?" Todoroki-kun yelled as he began to fight Kacchan again.

"I didn't do anything to Deku! How do I know you didn't do something to him huh!?" Kacchan yelled at him as they were fighting.

"Hey! Both of you stop! I don't know what happened either... and you were both touching me in private areas." I explained.

They both looked at each other like they had no clue what was going on. They turned back to me.

"Midoriya you should really put some cloths on." Todoroki-kun stated.

"STFU Half and half bastard! I think he looks fine like that." kacchan replied in a perverted way. I covered myself up more.

They both looked at each other and got angry at each other and started fighting again causing everyone else in the dorms to wake up this time. As they were fighting everyone.. including the girls... peeked in to see what was going on.

"What is going on in here!? And why are you 3 naked!?!" Momo asked looking very concerned.

"HE DID SOMETHING TO IZUKU!!!" They both yelled at the same time pointing at each other. I was still curled up in a ball in the corner trying to cover myself up.

".................. help.." I whispered to them.

"Well obviously Midoriya is very uncomfortable with the situation here. What got into you 2 anyway?" Ochako asked.

I stood up, still covering myself, and went over to put my cloths on, but they weren't there. "Where are my clothes??"

"How should I know? I don't even know where mine are." Kacchan said.

"I have no clue where any of our clothes are... or what happened last night, or WHY WE WOKE UP IN THE SAME DAMN BED!!!!!" Todoroki-kun yelled.

Everyone looked at each other.

"hold on you guys all woke up in the same bed?" Tsuyu asked.

"Yeah.. i dont know whats going on at all...." I answered. "Well I'm going to go back to my dorm to get some clothes on.."

I went back to my dorm to get cloths on. I think Todoroki-kun went back to his dorm to get cloths on as well. We got dressed and decided to go out on the town and spend some time together. And when I say "we" I mean our entire class. We all went out on the town and everyone else had something that caught their eye and went to go look at it leaving me, Kacchan, and Todoroki-kun alone.

Is it ok for me to say I love you, Izuku? {Bakudeku}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن