Chapter 29

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I woke up that morning worried less about my dad's probable presence and more about Natsu. I felt like laughing at myself for the way I acted last night. I felt like I had just been separated from the rest of the world and I didn't like it.

I wonder if Natsu's okay... Should I apologize? I mean of course I feel terrible, but would that make him feel better or worse? An apology can't hurt, right?

I had gotten changed into my clothes and headed to the door... which was locked. The attic is one of those old rooms with fancy key that only opens the door from the outside.

Just perfect! I would usually be thrilled for this new experience. There could be a chance that this is 'punishment' for staying out late instead of a beating. I would usually appreciate that but I had just decided that I was going to apologize to Natsu. He might think that I'm trying to avoid him now.

I waited and waited and guess what? I waited some more.

Sighing in frustration I knew my father was already gone. That meant I would be stuck in here until he got home, which is almost the whole day.

I felt like crying again. I'm so pathetic. I then had an idea. It wasn't one that involved me breaking down an unbreakable door or jumping out like a 5 story window or anything. My idea was a just to cure my bordem.

I realized that I kept my backpack in here which contained some old pencils and sharpies, some given to me (so people don't start poking into my life thinking something might be wrong) and a few stolen from my dad.

I can't believe I stole pencils and markers from my dad. Usually it's just everyone's. Trying to ignore the bad thought which was only adding onto many of the bad thoughts I've had recently, I decided to draw.

Soon enough the walls were covered and it looked pretty good. I got so into it that for that time I forgot the world around me.

I had a brief worry that I could get a beating from this because when my dad unlocks the door he might come in and see. I tried to push that down though and find something else to get my mind off of... well everything really.

I decided to continue with my novel for awhile after that and do some homework that I left in my bag to do later. Besides that I stared at the wall. It sounds boring until you realize what I recently just did to my wall.

I know I didn't like the circumstances at the moment, but it was so quiet, calm, and peaceful. I didn't feel like I was in the attic at my dad's house. I felt like I wasn't anywhere really. Somewhere other worriedly at least. A place of solitude. That's probably the reason why it was so easy to fall asleep.

Time Skip

It was weird. I heard a weird sound close to static, buzzing, and scraping but I wasn't concious enough to process exactly what was going on. That's when I started to feel the floor below me move and I know something was wrong. I opened my eyes and adjusted them.

That's when I realized what was going on. I was being dragged by my legs. I looked up to see my father.

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