Izaya Orihara [DRRR!]

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1. Tell him that you love humans too

2. Annoy Shizuo like what he does

3. You can annoy him together

4. If you don't wanna be squished by a vending machine then please don't do no. 2

5. Tell him you like knives

6. Compliment his Dodging skills

7. and his Jacket..

8. also his knife

9. "Humans sure are silly~"

10. Stalk...I mean get information about all the people you know too

11. Don't hide his knives (That, is obviously not possible 'cause it just appears outta nowhere)

12.  Ask Fairy Tail's Erza how to teleport swords (Be sure to teleport knives though)

13. For more tips: Ask Shizuo

14. or His jacket (Since it's always with him.)

15. Or his knives...(Yes, that would be better.)

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