Akashi Seijurou [KNB]

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1. Obey him

2. Call him King, or Price, or yeah, Emperor

3. Your highness works too

4. Don't correct him

5. Don't randomly appear down a staircase when he's at the top and your "friend" is holding a pair of scissors and your plan is to save your friend who can't move because of fear because he will surely cut you.

6. Don't make him gauge his eyes. 

7. Compliment his new look even if he looks even better in his old look. 
"You look cool today" "I like how you cut your hair" -checks
"I'm glad you didn't look like a kid who was trying to cut his own hair." -DON'T, SON.

8. Compliment his skills

9. The way that he can dunk even if his the smallest in his current group. DON'T TELL HIM THAT HIS SMALL THOUGH


11. But if you really want to die, do tell him.

12. Don't compare him to anybody

13. Once he tells you to scram, please do it immediately.

14. Or you'll die... again

15. "Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top" :^)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) / This is now 20 \ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

16. If you're going to ask him out, be sure to look at his schedule first, which is:
5:00-5:5 = Wake up, fix bed. Rinse face
5:5-5:20 = Eat, drink
5:20-5:22 = Change to athletic clothing and head out
5:22 - 6:30 = Do daily routine, jog out of manor
6:30 - 6:48 = Bathe
6:48 - 6:50 = Choose uniform (That all looks exactly the same but made by different types of fabric)
6:50 - 7:00 = Get dressed
7:00-7:15 = Go to, arrive at school
And so on.

17. Never mess up his schedule.

18. If you're already in the date, be sure to stop by a shop full of scissors.

19. Or your date could be settled in the shop itself

20. For more tips, ask Kuroko Tetsuya.

Good luck finding him though.

///Author's wonderful note: ASFDSGJKL

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