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Phil happily walked into his new classroom looking at the colorful walls and pictures. He was so excited to learn and make new friends. He put his backpack in his cubby along with his stuffed lion. He was sad to have his mum leave him behind. He thought she was going to stay and play with him. But once his teacher brought out the paints he was happy again. After a while the teacher sat all the kids down so she could teach them a song about the numbers. Phil happily found his seat next to another little boy who looked scared. He was holding on to his Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal like it was his life, his eyes were all red from crying. Phil sat next to him "don't worry this place is so much fun!! I got to paint a picture for my mummy even though she couldn't play with me today." He said cheerfully. The boy smiled a bit but looked at the teacher who began the lesson. Phil tried to pay attention and try to get the song right but every time she asked him what number she had in front of her he couldn't make it out. It was just foggy, he would try to possibly figure out what it was but he couldn't. He felt his face heat up every time the rest of the kids would get the answer right quickly. After the lesson was over the teacher grabbed Phil aside making him feel even worse, was he in trouble? The teacher sat him down near her desk. "Phil I noticed you had some trouble during the lesson." She said causing Phil's cheeks to heat up, he looked down not wanting to get in trouble. "Your not in trouble I was wondering, was it hard for you to see the numbers were they foggy or blurry?" She asked. Phil nodded "is something wrong with me?" He asked timidly. The teacher softened her gaze. "No no of course not honey! You just might need glasses." She explains. Phil looks confused but nods anyways. "Glasses are things that go on your face that help your eyes work better!" She replies. Phil smiles "like Spider-Man?" She laughs "yeah like Spider Man!" Phil happily runs along too play with the boy and his Pooh Bear.

The next day Phil came in with a pair of blue glasses all of the kids oohed and ahhed over the color. He beamed with pride "I'm just like Spider Man!" He said cheerfully. He looked at Dan Pooh Bear in hand and blush all over his cheeks "what do you think Dan." He asked Dan smiled blushing even more. "Spider-Man is my favorite." He replied as they walked out to the playground with Phil by his side hand in hand.

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