Chapter 1

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It was a damp foggy morning, Levi looks over towards the clock as he reads 6:30 am, the sun rose not long ago but the scouting legion was having early training today. As he walks out his door he spots a familiar face, that he wasn't to pleased to see this early in the morning. "Gooood morning Levi" hanji said in her normal chirpy voice "Its too god damn early four eyes" he says in his normal unamused voice. "Its never too early to research" she says with a chuckle (she has been up for a couple hours doing research), levi just walks pass her unamused towards the cafeteria so he can have some food and head out for training.

AT THE TRAINING GROUNDS (how do I use bold text)

It was now 7 am and everyone is now training. The veterans were couching the younger members) "Eren stop being a baby and attack him" levi says upset, eren turns to strick jean when all of the sudden Ymir crashes into him. "Great going mikasa" Hanji yells from the other side of the field, (Mikasa had tossed Ymir) "Get up you two" levi says with a dead stare

Hanji's pov (I still don't know how to put text in bold)

I look across the field at levi, he was yelling at the recruits, like normal. I couldn't stop myself from blushing a little, then Christa walks over to me. "squad leader" she asks "what is it christa, something wrong" "um no nothing wrong but I have a question" "and what is that" "well I saw you looking over at levi and I couldn't help seeing that you were blu-" "I don't know what you're talking about" hanji says in a higher pitch then normal " you like him don't you?" "um no, I don't know what you're talking about, I don't like that clean freak" hanji says, clearly lying "i'm really hope you guys become a thing" "I found my otp" christa says quietly "what was that christa, I didn't hear that last part, and I don't like him"

No-ones pov

All of a sudden they heard commander Erwin say that training was over for the day and that everyone can leave.

A/N 1 I still don't know how to make stuff bold. 2 I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry I had to end it at a bad point, I didn't want to get to far along. If you have any suggestions please let me know.

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