Chapter 6

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A little bit after they arrive at base

Hanji's pov

I was sitting in my room thinking about if I should actually tell Levi how I feel, and how I would tell him if I did. Levi was in the infirmary unconscious at the moment and that was making it hard to focus.

"Should I just go out and tell him how I feel or should I ease into it" I said thinking aloud whilst pacing my bedroom floor "what if he doesn't have the same feelings for me" I said as I stop pacing and start to pull at my hair

"uhhhhhh" I said with frustration, then I heard a knock on my door.

"Who is it" I say loudly enough for the person outside to hear me "Its Erwin, can I come in" he asks "Come in" I reply as I brush out my hair with my hand as he walks in 

"I came to let you know that Levi woke up, and he-" the blonde man starting saying but was cut off by me running out my door and towards the infirmary

"L-Levi" I think to myslelf running through the halls. All I could think about was if Levi had the same feelings for me as I do for him and if he was okay, and I end up running into someone "s-sorry" I say and run off not even seeing who I knocked over, I just continued running until I came to the infirmary door

I stand outside the doors to catch my breath before I walk in. I then open the door and see Levi laying in a bed. I walk over to the bed and look at his sleeping face "for humanities strongest you sure do drool a lot" I say quietly "should I tell you my true feelings, or just keep our relationship the way it is" i say quietly with a sigh after "I-I should leave so you can sleep peacefully" I then leaned down and placed my lips on his forhead and left

I walk back to my room and open the door "I guess he left" i say sitting on my bed "Oh. My.God... d-did I actually d-do that" I start to blush

I turn and faceplant onto my pillow and fall asleep thinking of, him. 

Thanks sooo much for reading <3<3<3 I hope you enjoyed, if you didn't please give me some feedback. I normally don't do this but, I hope you vote for this chapter and/or and this story to your library.

Word count 435

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