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Once along time ago there were two sister planets.Daxam and Krypton they have been at war for as long as anyone can remember.There has been many wars fought and many lives lost on both sides.

But all of that changed when a baby boy was born named Mon-el.He was the heir to the daxamite throne, son of King Lar-gand and Queen Rheya of daxam.

Two years after his birth a baby girl was born named Kara Zor-El.She was the heir to the Kryptonian throne, daughter of King Zor-El and Queen Allura of Krypton.

The wars could not go on for much longer for they have lost many good men on both sides and wanted to bring the planets together and make peace.

So an arrangement was made a promise.Kara and Mon-el would be married when they turned 12 years old. It was a very young age to get married but the two planets were in dire need of peace.And it was when the Astral comet would pass by Krypton and Daxam. The comment only passed once every 100 000 years.

And if the comet found the couple worthy it would give them both a magical stone which was the most powerful thing in the cosmos.It had many unknown abilities and was a terrible weapon if it fell into the wrong hands.

So it was decided that princess Kara Zor-El of Krypton would be promised to Prince Mon-El of Daxam when she turned 12 years old.

And they would rule over both planets when she turns 18 and he turns 20 years old. And they shall form a new house named the house of Astral.

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