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The Hyper Lass
Keira Wolf's scientific research into a brand-new, highly experimental form of propulsion led her to test it on herself. The test seemed to fail - but now, she found that it has given her amazing powers! Now, speed is no obstacle - but can she outrun the evil forces tracking her down? She has animal instincts and she got kidnapped.
Super-Speed - Her abilities mean she can run at incredible speeds, and her increased reaction times means she can dodge bullets!
Now, she protects Earth from escaped dinosaurs, while also battling the evil plans of Anne of Crimson Gables!

The Azure Angel
Melody Wolf did work in a secret government lab, when a freak accident gave her unearthly powers!
Laser blast - She can generate focussed blasts of laser light powerful enough to devastates her opponents!
Piller of fire - She is able to smite her enemies by summoning a spectacular pillar of fire! She has animal instincts.
Now, she protects Earth from demons, while also battling the evil plans of Lord Voltan of Voltavia!

Ms Pyro
On a holiday to Hawaii, Lyla Schmidt,and accidentally tumbled into a volcano, but mysteriously survived the experience! Now she must learn to control her strange new abilities while also urgently fireproofing her home!
Pyrokinesis - Lyla has the power to control and manipulate fire, and can even create her own ball of superheated flames!
Now, she protects Earth from werewolves, while also battling the evil plans of The Watcher of Souls!

The White Hourglass
Born in the 1930s, Eli has encountered a mysterious time storm that dragged him decades into the future. Now, trapped in the present day, he must try to master the bizarre abilities he has gained from encountering the storm, all while trying to find a way to his own time!
Time Manipulation - his powers gave him the ability to control the flow of time - speed it up, slow it down, or even (for a short time) put it into reverse.
Now, he protectd Earth from communists, while also battling the evil plans of Admiral Beefheart!

Saturn Mask
Cassadie had bequeathed her powers by a dying alien, who identified her as the bravest person on Earth!
Planetary Avatar - Cassadie is able to channel and summon the natural forces of any planet or moon. The volcanoes of Io, the acid rain of Venus, the sands of Mars - they're all hers to command!
Now, she protects Earth from demon-possessed children, while also battling the evil plans of El Orangutang!

Shining Mask
Jamie Fox is an archaeologist, investigating ancient Egyptian ruins, when she angered the Sun God, Ra! Now, she bears the weight of his power, until she find a way of appeasing the mighty deity!
Manipulating and Controlling Light - her powers mean she can manipulate and control light, using it to create illusions or blind her opponents!
Now, she protects Earth from hyper-intelligent gorillas, while also battling the evil plans of Killer Kane!

Morph Shadow
You were given an ancient African fetish-mask as a gift - but it turned out to have unexpected powers! Now, whenever you don the mask, you gain the mask's abilities and can fight crime - but beware the mysterious villains out to steal the mask back for evil purposes!
Animal Transformation - You have the ability to transform yourself into a super-powered version of any animal of equivalent size and mass, with increased strength, speed and intelligence!
Shadow Control - you can manipulate and control shadows, using them to hide yourself or even as a mode of transportation (travelling from one shadow to another)!
Now, you protect Earth from ninjas, while also battling the evil plans of Il Zuko!

Lightning Rod
As a child, Michael can overload any technological device, or summoning a 10,000 volt charge of lightning to devastate his opponents!
Now, he protects Earth from sinister magicians, while also battling the evil plans of Astara, Lady of the Night!

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