Chapter 10

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TAKE NOTE: This chapter contains a part with an explicit sexual and violent nature. You will be warned at the beginning of the part. The end of this part will also be indicated.

Unknown Date & Day – Skylar

Every time I come into consciousness I still find myself in the same position. Unmoved as if I am in a frozen state. The buckets of ice water they pour over me when I wake up sure contributes to the coldness. They would degrade me each time scolding me for sleeping. I wanted to scream that I was knocked out due to shock.

I decided early, about the second time I was awakened with rocks of ice hitting against me that I was not going to give them any indication of my pain or temperature levels. I was in so much pain and freezing cold. Hypothermia was sure to kick in soon.

I have become used to the abuse and each time it was easier to keep myself as still as possible. To the unknown eye I was sure that I looked like a statue. I sure felt like it. The only time I moved was when something pressed against me. There was always hands on every part of me. I did not even want to think what was happening in the moments I was comatose.

The swelling in my face started to get better and I was able to open my eyes, but I kept them close. I did not want to face what was about to happen. I could hear them talk, but nothing made sense. It sounded as if someone was talking in their sleep.

It was torturous and the pain in my muscles became more and more unbearable. At the beginning I was angry with Mr. Blake I blamed it all on him, but I soon realize that all of this was my own fault. I chose this. I wanted to get money to run away and now I know I was running away from someone who was shaking my heart.

I was more scared about the affect his eyes had on my. His jerkish ways hurt me because I felt rejected. I wanted him to approve of me and was dismissed and tricked by him. When needed an escape in my mind I would see my sister or him. In the visions of my sister she would tell me it was okay to let go, but when I stared into his deep blue eyes my fight became easier. His alluring blue eyes pulled me closer to him each time. It grounded me.

"I don't know what to tell you Mr. Ortloff it is as if she is in a vegetative state. I have never seen anything like this." This was the first understandable sentence I could hear for a long time.

"Is it like sub-space?" asks the familiar voice.

"No if this was sub-space then she would not out up a fight like she does. She would accept my touch and not flinch away. She broke the throat stick when I looked down her throat. She is worthless in our world, untrainable." Said the first voice.

"Drecksau!!" shouts the familiar voice.

Then I felt someone's breath on my ear. I tried hard not to flinch or to react. Then something warm and wet trailed over my lobe. I was cold form all the hot water and in a crazy second I wanted to feel the warmth all over me.

"Well, well, well, Little Skylar, today you will learn that your defiance is of no use to me." Razor spoke in my ear and would nib and bite in between his words. "It's fuck and die time, baby!" He roars out in my ear.

**** Dear Readers due to the explicit violent and sexual nature of the next part it is not advised for sensitive readers or anyone under the age of 17 according to Wattpad rules. Please skip to the next chapter if you want to skip this part. ****

I felt his hands travel down my body pulling hard onto my nipples. He pulls my breasts away from my body until they cannot stretch anymore he then shakes them and release. My body whimpers on its own accord and he slaps me hard against my breast. The torture on my nipples has caused then to become erect.

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