Chapter 17

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Monday, 19 June 2017 – Skylar

I entered the room holding my breath just the hint on the disgusting antiseptic made me nauseous. I could feel goosebumps erupt on my skin as I tried to painfully compress it. There were two doctors waiting in my room staring at me as if I was a ghost. Their coldness irritated me immediately.

Joshua helped me to the bed and in my fragile state, it took what felt like hours. I could feel the impatience of the doctors growing and sneered at them with my best "what the fuck you looking at" eyes. Joshua pulled the covers over my legs and snuggled them underneath casing me in. The gestured warmed me and reminded me of how my mother would tuck us in at night.

"Miss Reid, we will be keeping you here until you have gained at least 10 pounds," the redheaded doctor said with a hard expression. I counted all the deep lines on his face to calm myself.

"We have worked out uh umh a diet for you to uh help you." said the younger doctor with brown her.


"Well excuse me" I cut the redheaded doctor short "How about, Good Day Miss Reid, I'm Doctor Twatface and this is Doctor where-the-fuck-am-I?"

"Skylar!" Joshua scolds and it angers me even more.

"No!" I stop Joshua. The two doctors look at me as if no one has ever spoken to them that way.

"You see Doctor Twatface and Doctor where-the-fuck-am-I, I am not scared of your white jackets or the I'm-the-man demeanors. I can promise you that the longer you keep me here the more weight I will lose. Your hospital reeks of death and who wants to be reminded of that when they are growing life inside of them. Fucking life!" I screamed out.

Joshua gasped next to me and took a step closer taking my hand. His fingers brushed over my skin each stroke brought me closer to calm.

"Miss Reid, I am Doctor Queally and this is Doctor Cogan." I was biting the inside of my cheek to keep me from laughing. Joshua also had a smile on his face and I could clearly see that he was holding back. "I specialize in high-risk pregnancies especially cases connected to anorexia and bulimia. Doctor Cogan is my resident."

I could not contain my laughter anymore and it was uncontrollable I giggled till my tummy ached and everyone was staring and me. Joshua smile grew warmer and so did his touch. Tears were streaming down my face and I whipped them away as quickly as they formed. My breathing even became shallow as I struggled to breathe through the laughter.

"Breath Darling, Just breath" Joshua spoke and it strangely warmed me more to him.

"Look Doctor Squeally, I really appreciate your concern, but I can promise you the longer you keep me here the more weight I will lose. So if you can release me I will promise to have my new doctor send you my stats in two weeks."

"I just cant.." the doctor started to say but Joshua cut him short "I will have the best OBGYN on her I promise. I will monitor her closely myself. I will get the OBGYN to call you in an hour. Will these terms suffice?"

"Well I guess, Miss Reid will you be signing release against medical advice." The doctor handed me some forms to complete. While I asked him about the bill.

"I have that covered Darling, you just focus on getting better for us, okay?" I gowned

Three days on the bus is going to so much fun. I thought in my grown

"We prefer you not to travel for such a long duration." Doctor Cogan said.

"Don't stress about it we will be flying," Joshua said glancing at me with a warm smile. I wondered why the one moment it would make me feel so warm and adored while the next it would just make me angry. "I'll go get your things then you can get ready. I asked my sister to bring your things when she came here." He explained seeming nervous and excited at the same time.

I continued to sign the forms as the doctors explained over and over how careful I must be. I was ready to jump on them both and bump their heads together. Joshua returned with my bag and I grabbed it immediately glad to have it back. The doctors said goodbye with good luck wishes and I jumped to the bathroom to shower.

The hot water felt good on my skin but the antiseptic soap that was available I gag repeatedly. I rushed through the water and dressed as fast as I could to leave the smell. I entered the room and Joshua was sitting on the bed with his hands in his hair. The image brought back memories of that day I entered his office.

"Are you sure you want to leave?" his voice almost broke as he asked. I frowned not understanding.

"Yes please, I really don't want to be in the hospital anymore," I answered hesitantly, I was obviously missing something.

"Yes I see, umh there are some flight delays due to storms. I really don't want you to sit in the airport for hours. Can I book a hotel room for you?"

"Can we please just go to the airport?" I asked desperately

"Look I understand if you want to get away from me..."

"What?" I was really confused. "You said we'll be flying?"

"I only said that so that the doctors would release you." I could swear he was blushing but it was hard to tell.

"Well, where would you like me to stay then? I'm not going to show up at your guesthouse without you being there." I said with a small smile

"Really? You'll be staying at my place. Oh thank you, Skylar, thank you." Before I could protest I was in his arms and he was lifting me from the ground spinning me. It delighted me so much that I was squealing.

I was happy and it was beyond my understanding. 

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