.:The Confession:.

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Edd's Pov

I's wazs lieng on Terd's leg we staaired at the leke 

i t was a bootylicious dai tonite.... butt

Terdsspoke up he sed 

'mmm i tink i liek u's'

i sed 'Terd i want tos had bebes togeter' 

Teord smirkled, n he bit his entere buttom lip

'i wanna frickle frackle' 

he taked out his 8900000 inch ding-dong n, he make me 7 it.

hes dingle dang waz thte sise uf effel towr 

'oof yah bebeeeeeeee'

terdle mooed und taked uff mi jucket 

is waz a jucket sloot liek MCR's Gerd

he waz me gai ICON1!1!1!1!

'Terd oof yazzzz bae'

i youled 

und hes mooed agen be5 he camed unside mai gay a$$h0le 

'ooobebe we gon be perents' Terdle sed.

butt lil ded we kno...

i culd nut gat pregnet bcuz i wuz a guy n i dint kno guyz culd nut gert preg becuze onle wemen cood apPaerently.

i wuz sad n i gets depressddd but atlea$st me,n,my Terdlebear cood has cheeky bum sexz erday

Bys A Frend :3. 

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