I Am Not a Damsel in Distress

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Chapter Thirteen - I Am Not a Damsel in Distress

It has been twenty hours, and my adrenaline is still flowing from the night before. We left the Kingdom earlier in the morning than we originally planned which I suspect is because everyone has a newfound motivation to search for the Sword of Sorrows after the events of last night.

This morning, when we were setting up to leave on the quest, Queen Kaili caught me just before we left. She handed me the Witch's Manual, and told me it would be more useful with me than with anyone else in the Kingdom. She is most likely right, however, I can't help but wonder if anyone knows that she gave the Manual to me.

The group that I'm going on the quest with consists of Prince Quillan, Bartholomew, Billy, and about fifteen knights, who are split into three troops. The fact that there are so many knights coming with us is slightly concerning which begs me to ask the question, Do they think we are going to run into the monster I met last night? And if so, are fifteen knights going to help at all?

I'm still curious as to why Billy is on the quest with me. When I asked him, he told me that the King specifically requested him to come with us. When Billy questioned why he needed to come, the King told him that he needs someone to record the events that will happen on the quest. Who better than the Great-Grandson of Shakespeare? I can only imagine what Billy is going to write about the quest. There is no possible way that he is going to take this seriously.

Prince Quillan and Bartholomew have been leading the group toward the Banished Village because they believe there is an old fairy, Taira Teele, living in the village who may know where the Sword of Sorrows is being hidden.

We have been walking along the river for the majority of the day. At some point, we are going to have to cross the river to get to the Badlands where the village is located. I'm dreading that moment because the last time I was in the Badlands I was almost troll dinner. At least this time I won't be with only a cat and some random girl. Granted, Naeri was probably more help than any of these knights will ever be.

"Anyways," Billy, who had been walking beside me since we had left the castle, continues talking. I have not heard a single word he has said, but I've been pretending to listen anyway. I'm fairly sure he has been talking about the graphic novel he was making, but I could be wrong. "What do you think?"

I look Billy in the face and in the most monotone voice I can summon up, say, "Sorry, was that important? You're going to have to repeat it. I was pretending to listen so that you would eventually stop talking, but you seem to be expecting some kind of response now and I didn't anticipate that."

Billy lets out an exaggerated sigh, "I guess it's not worth my time talking to you."

"It really isn't," I tell him honestly.

Bartholomew, who was near the front of the group, suddenly appears at my side. He has an irritated look on his face. "Eboni, you must find a way to use your manners and be polite. Please listen to what the boy has to say."

At the time that I say, "Where did you even come from?" Billy says, "Oh, it's not her fault. I was trying to see how long I could go before she got so annoyed that she tried to use her powers on me. Just a little test of mine."

Bartholomew seems disappointed in the both of us, but I can't even pretend to care as we have now reached the part of the river where we will cross over to the Badlands. Prince Quillan brings the group to a halt with one motion of his hand. He turns around and makes eye contact with me for a second before he begins to speak.

"It is time that we cross the river. This is the shallowest area of the river; however, it is still about fifteen feet deep, so be prepared for a quick swim to the other side. We will have Troops One and Two go first followed by Eboni, Bartholomew, Billy, and myself. And finally Troop Three will make up the rear," Prince Quillan orders. He nods toward the knights at the front of the group, who are preparing themselves for the swim.

Ebby Flint and the Sword of Sorrows (Book 1 in the Artis Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now