I forgive you, Jackie!

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Next morning in Radiator Springs...

The camera pans down from the sky to Sally's hotel, till it reaches the cone number seven. Storm's cone. The scene shifts to his room, revealing him to be talking in his sleep.

Storm: *smirks in sleep* Do yourself a favor and go to the retirement home, Champ. *laughs arrogant and snores*

He continues sleeping when he hears his ringing plasma television.


RING: *Storm's recorded voice*

Dis-moi qui est le plus beau
Quitte à devenir mégalo
Viens donc chatouiller mon ego
Allez, allez, allez

Storm: *mumbles annoyed, open the eyes and take a close look at the clock* It's 7:30 in the morning. Fast cars are trying to sleep. *picks up the call and yells* YES!

Ray: Wow, wow, wow, Stormy-boy. You had a bad night or what?

Storm: *growls to his crew chief* It was a nice night, Ray. Until you call. What do you want?

Ray: I sorry, that I woke you up, Jackson. But I wanted to ask you, how are things going with you and Ramirez. Is your plan going as well as you expected?

Storm: *just sighs* How do you think?

Ray: *makes a long pause before he answers* It's not working, right?

Storm: *pounds his tire on the floor* How can I get closer to Cruz if the champ is always there. I just want to make her to fall in love with me, so that she will have no urge to race against me in the next season. And I also want to know her secret, how she managed to beat me in Florida.

Ray: *thinks and an idea lights up him* Of course, McQueen. That is why your plan will fail.

Storm: *grimaces at his commend* That's what I told you, you genie. The champ is alw...

Ray: *interrupts him* No, listen, Jackson. If you want to get closer to the girl, you have to win McQueen's trust.

Storm: *looks at him stunned, as if Ray slapped him* ......

Ray: *closes his eyes and sighs* Jackson, can you, please, stop looking at me like that?

Storm: *still continues and then begin to laugh at his suggestion* Are you serious, man? You want me to be McQueen's buddy? I mean... Hello... *waves with his tire in front of Ray's eyes* He is my rival number one.

Ray: *gives him blank expression* Just try it, Stormy-boy. And don't fall in love with Ramirez. See you! *ends the call*


Storm: *looks dumbfounded at the plasma television* Wait, Ray! RAY! *growls* Crazy guy! As if I would ever fall in love with the costume girl. *yawns, closes the eyes and tries to fall asleep again, when a knock on the door disturbs his sleep*


Storm: *growls* Grrrr...


Storm: *growls* Grrrr...


Storm: *growls and tries to hold his anger* Grrrr...

KNOCK KNOCK very loud

Storm: *takes a deep breath, open his eyes and looks darkly at the door* OK, I think someone has just planned his suicide. *drives to the door and presses the button to roll the door up*

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