Take your pills !

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Chapter 2- Take your pills!

I rolled out of bed landing on my metal bat. 

That shit hurt I think it left a bruise. 

I took my clothes off and jump in the shower and did that then brushed my teeth. I yawned searching through my closet for something to wear. I saw this grey shirt that had a picture of fire on it and big bold letters saying burn and some red skinny jeans, yup I'm wearing that today. I got out my red doc martens and I was set. I creamed my body and put on my clothes and shoes. I looked at myself in the mirror, Blahhh I looked awesome. I crawled down the stairs and went into the kitchen. No ones home as usual. Sage went to work and Mom don't come home til four working extra. I took some grapes and ate them. I walked out my house grabbing my bag, I didn't feel like walking but I had no choice. I got a text from Sage telling me take my pills. 

Me: Fuck you they taste like crap go suck some you pixie ! 

Sage: Dammit Ki don't make me come to your school and shove them down your throat ! 

Me: Try it you pickle ! 

Sage: watch me ! 

I sucked my teeth and continued walking to school, I saw Jamie and ran and jumped on her back. 

"Ki'nala ! Fuck, get off me you midget!"She yelled. 

"How you know it was me?" 

"Because only you do that to me and your so short and light." She said shrugging her shoulders. 

"I'm not short you duck I'm 5'3 that's tall." 

She laughed.Then asked me the question she asked me everyday. 

"Did you take your medicine Ki'nala?" 

"No Mom I didn't." I said annoyed. 

"Ki'nala oh my gosh why not ?"She whined. Fuck her it's not like she has to take them. 

"They taste like crap ! " I yelled. 

" It first matter how they taste just take them, you know how you act when you don't take them." She warned. 

"Fuck you, you melon head."  

We got to the school and sat infront and the girls were taking about yesterday at Simba's house me and Jamie are the only ones who ain't go. 

Oh well don't care. 

" You missed it Ki'nala we had so much fun his house is huge."Samantha said. 

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