Authors Note

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Hey guys. Been a while huh?
I'm starting to think I should keep this story going, because rereading it reminded me of how much fun I had writing it.
I might just rewrite the whole thing, but that's unlikely. I'll probably just edit things where it doesn't look right, and maybe even add drawings.
I hope you can have some more patience with me, and hold out just a little longer. I'm also gonna do some "research" For this AU to make sure things make sense.
I'll edit the description of the story, and hopefully update soon. I don't do much during the day as of right now, so it shouldn't be too long of a wait. And if you can wait this long, then what's a few more days right?
Also, to new readers. The tone might have a change due to the time gap that has grown. I noticed things were a bit rushed, and I didn't really like it.
I do hope for the 'Determination' to keep the story going! As for art that I have mentioned, I'll draw an anon in the space for you (since there isn't a set character. Just Y/n).
Be prepared, because I'm wanting to pick this back up!
I'm sorry it's been so long.
I hope you enjoy what's to come.
Author-chan Marie, out.
(Ps, art above isn't mine. Their signature is there, but I don't know the name of the artist even with a reverse Google search. Also, this was posted on mobile, so the picture might be blurry on the website.)

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