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"No please stop."
"You dont understand please don't do this."
"Why, all your going to do is tell your mom."
It was a sad day for Maddi she had gotton pushed into her own lockers several times by Cecilia and her friends because she was not popular and didnt fit in but finally one of the most niceist populer girls named Marissa came and stop it maddi thanked her but Marissa just walked away Maddi went to class with a brouse acrossed her face. Once Maddi heard the bell ring she waited until everyone else was out of the class she left and went home her patents saw the bruse and did nothing about it because they treated her the exact same way that Cecilia and her friends did. Finally Maddi got the guts to talk to the princable about what they were doing to her of course the princable didnt believe her but the princable caught them doing it to her and called there parents they didnt believe it so the princable showed them the tape and they were saspended for a week they called Maddi's parents they acted like they cared and sewed Cecilia's parents and said it was for the abuse but it was only for the money.

The person i used to beWhere stories live. Discover now