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I decide that i need to... to just die it will be easier for everyone else if i just die its not like anyone will even care although they will be sad because they will have no one to abuse but they will also be happy because they won't have to worry about me just taking up space in the world. I go in the bathroom grab the bottle of pills pour a hand full of pills into my hand a before i can pour them in my mouth my phone rings icanswer it and tell my best friend what I'm about to do thinking she would try to stol me but all I could hear was my best friend and parents celibraying because I'm about to kill myself so I put it non face time so she can be happy and watch me die and my parents record me doing it putting the pills inc my hand putting them in my mouth and then swallowing them as they go down my thought i fall to the ground crying while everyone is laughing and the very last thing i hear is my best friend and parents laughing at my death.

The person i used to beWhere stories live. Discover now