Chapter 1

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It's an odd feeling, being alone in a country you have never been in, so far away from home. Yet its completely and utterly exhilarating.

I relax my tense body, and slouch into the leather chairs, my head resting against the head rest. I zone out as the taxi driver speaks to me, his voice droning on and on about this and that.

I rest my arm on the window, not surprised to see small rain droplets pelting the glass. I had read somewhere that England was notourious for its cold weather and rain and in all honesty, I dont mind one bit.

Trees whirl past in a mixture of monotone colours, brick bulidings - all shapes and sizes - blending into the whirl. Its beautiful and serene and in a way much better than back home.

Excitment bubbled up inside of me, ready to burst as if a it were a coke bottle, that had been shaken up. It was a nice feeling; unfamiliar yet promising.

The Big ben zooms past and I gasp in surprise, leaning forward and whipping my head to the side, trying with all my might to catch anpther glimpse. Next was Buckingham Palace and I groan in annoyance as I realise that its impossible to get a good look whilst in this taxi.

"Ms Foster, we have arrived. Do you need some help with your bags?" The taxi driver questioned with a warm smile.

"Oh, thank you so much, that would be a huge help"

And with that we lugged my bags up the stairs and into the dingy building.

I collapse onto the dusty couch, a cloud of brown smoke erupting with my touch. Its important to be optimistic so I plaster an incredibly fake smile on my face and take a sip of my ice water, briefly checking my phone.

The room was silent for a while and this gave me the opportunity to absorb my surroundings. The walls were thin, only seperating the rooms slightly. The beige paint was peeling off them and the carpet was dusty. A musty smell was forever in the air and it reminded me of wet socks.

As I'm studying the lounge room the front door opens with a click. My roomate walks in, with a bright coloured piece of paper in her hand.

She doesnt acknowledge me, only walks to the kitchen counter and slams the notice on the table. I am too far away to get a glimse of the paper so instead, I focus on the girl infront of it.

Her jet black hair was chopped messily, falling around her shoulders. Her eyes are a striking blue and she has a nose ring and lip peircing. She had on a completely black outfit, paired with fishnet tights and silver combat boots.

I liked her style yet we were total opposites. I look down at my blue jeans and periwinkle jumper, my platinum blonde hair in a pony tail on my head. I hop up off of the couch and  make my way towards her.

"Hi, you must be Alana, I'm Bec. Its nice to finally meet you" I extend my hand to shake hers.

She scowls at me before quickly shaking my hand back. "Nice to meet you too love. Welcome to London... you have a week to move out."

Wait... WHAT!

She shoves the bright coloured paper to me and I stare at it in worry.


I was in deep shit.

Hi everyone
Here is the first chapter. This should set up the story line nicely...
Thanks for reading... hang in there! Lots of love
Han xx

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