Chapter 5

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I couldn't sleep. It wasn't that the room was uncomfortable, not in the slightest... just unfamiliar. The window was bare and there was light streaming through it, settling directly on the bed. The mattress wasn't lumpy, or hard - in fact, it felt like it cost at least a million dollars - but it wasn't what I was used to. 

Heck. I should be able to sleep in this amazing room, yet I just couldn't. And that's when I decided to hop up. I exit the room quietly, unsure on whether or not Case would be able to hear me if I move a lot. My feet pad softly across the carpet, the fluffy surface sinking into my toes making me sigh dreamily - it is heaven. I leave my room and hiss as the shocking contrast of the tiles surprise me... it is fucking cold. 

Scurrying towards the kitchen my feet slowly adjust to the icy feel and within no time I am relaxed again.  I open the fridge and scan the contents, looking for something to drink. Milk, Beer, Cordial, Water, Orange Juice. I quietly remove the orange juice and begin my search for the cups. I open cupboard, after cupboard trying to find what I need yet I come to no avail. Huffing, I  spin around, ready to go back to my room and wait for the sun to rise. 

"Top Left " A voice surprises me and I hastily spin around, worried that there was an intruder. "you honestly think you could fight off a robber using orange juice?" he chuckles and I glare at Case. 

"Orange Juice is very deadly... want me to demonstrate how?" I ask with an eyebrow raised and he just chuckles more whilst I take the time to scan him up and down. He had on a pair of dark grey pants and he was shirtless, a group of tattoos wrapped around his upper right arm and his right peck, and although I didn't have the time to study all of them, they looked intricate and meaningful. Water droplets dripped down his muscled body, and rolled into the waistband of his pants. His hair looked as if it was just washed, and was scruffy like a towel had been pushed through it. 

"Like what you see?"

"Oh I need you I want you" I fake protest before turning around and retrieving a glass from the top left cupboard, I pour the orange juice into it and take a long sip. While drinking I notice Case has his eyes on me and a devious smirk is on his lips. "What?" I question after I swallow the drink. 

"Oh nothing.... just that your indirectly kissing me right now" he winks and I gag. "You know if you really want to kiss me all you have to do is ask... no need to scull my spit" he adds before spinning around and heading back down the hall. 

"Wait!" I call out and he stops in his tracks, turning around. "Two things. First that is absolutely disgusting, and second, don't you think if I'm living here we need some rules?" 

"what are you some sort of control freak?"

"something like that" 

"Alright then.... I can't sleep anyways" He gives in and we both make our way to the couch, me grabbing my laptop on the way. Opening up an empty word document, I get comfortable and turn to him. 


"Alright, alright, so here is what we have so far" I say as our laughter dies down, and I take a look at the list. 

1. NO DRINKING OUT OF THE CARTON - seriously just get a damn cup (top left cupboard)

2. If you bring someone home let the other know so that they can leave the vicinity...

3. Bedrooms are off limits 

4. Female products top cupboard in bathroom - male products, bottom 

5. No questioning where I disappear to (Case) 

6. No shoes on the carpet 


"hmm, okay seems pretty good. Is there anything else you wanted to add Case?" I turn to where he is sat on the lounge, only to see him fast asleep, snoring slightly. His features had softened dramatically and he looked almost... young. 

I grab the blanket off the back of the couch and lay it over him gently before grabbing my things and slowly making my way to my room. As I'm at my door I spin around and look at the person in front of me. 

"Goodnight Case..." 


Hey so this is just a filler chapter 


xoxo Han 

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