2199 Day's

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Clarke's POV

"Bellamy. If you can hear me, it's been safe for over a year now to come down. Why haven't you? I don't know why I keep doing this, I guess to keep me sane. Not that Lexa doesn't keep me sane. Your daughter is so beautiful. I hope you come down soon so you can meet her." I hear a ship over head and look up. "Never mind...I see you." I get off the radio and run to the rover where Lexa's is sleeping. "Wake up."

"What?" Lexa says.

"Listen." I say. Lexa tilt's her head and narrow's her eye's and then she hears it.

"Is that?" Lexa sits up and smiles. I nod my head and she runs out of the rover.

"I thought you said it was a small ship!" Lexa yells from outside. I step out and see a huge ship coming down. I pull out my gun and look through the scope. On the side it say's Prisoner Ship. I put the gun down and bit and look up at the huge ship coming down.

"I did. It is small." The ship hovers over the ground. I pull the Lexa back and hide behind a rock. "Lexa, I need you to run to the cave. I will make sure you are not followed and be there in a few hours. Okay?"

"Mama, don't leave me."

I pull her into me. "I promise I will be right behind you." I kiss her head and hug her one last time. 

I push her in the direction of the cave. A first she doesn't walk fast but after watching her walk away she starts running. I turn back around and look at the ship. The ship hover's for a few minutes before landing. It land's in a clearing of green grass. The door open's and I bring my gun up to take a closer look. Three people emerge out of the ship. A women and two men. All strong and big. These where no guards. They had guns in their hands. They move down the ramp and onto the grass. Another man comes down with a huge gun. He points it towards me and my eyes grow big as I run. I duck for cover.

I pop my head up and start to run into the forest in the opposite direction of the girls. I run, dodging tree's. I hear the footsteps behind me, running to get me. Gunfire is all around me as I run. I weave in and out of the tree's trying to get away. I run up a hill that leads to a tunnel that is like a maze. Luckily I know the route to getting out and how to stay quiet. I run to the tunnel and go left, right, right again and stop. I sit against the wall and wait. I hear the footsteps of these soldiers or whatever they are. I close my eyes and calm my breathing. I listen for them. I still hear them climbing around I stand up and back down the tunnel i'm in. Once I see no one coming I turn around but I turn to a black body. I look up and see a man with a shaved head and dark eyes. He hits me over the head. Everything going black.

Bellamy's POV

6 years in space. It has been 6, long years. Everyday Raven tried the Radio and we would get an update from Clarke. The first time we heard her voice was a few weeks after Priamfaya. I smile thinking of that first time.

"Can anyone hear me." Clarke say's through the radio.


"I hope you all made it. Bellamy, if you can hear me. Don't feel bad for leaving me. You did what you were suppose to. You used your head."

"I can hear you, princess." I smiled at that. Everyone comes in and sits in front of the radio.

"I hope that everything is going well. By now Monty should have the algae farm up and running. I wonder if it is even good." We all laugh at that except Monty. He looks embarrassed which makes us laugh more.

"Bellamy if you can hear me I need you to know something. That night we had, led to something else. I'm pregnant. I discovered it a few weeks ago after surviving Priamfaya. So guess when you come back down in five years you'll be a dad. I know this is not how we wanted things but for now it's the best we can do."

Everyone looks at me. "Anyway. I guess I will radio tomorrow. Bye. Clarke out." The radio goes silent.

"What did she say?" Murphy asks. I get up and slowly start to leave the room. Raven catches me and turns me around.

"Clarke and you. Really?" She smiles and then pulls me into a hug. "I am happy for you too. Suck's you'll have to wait five years to see your child."

"Yeah, it sucks" I said smiling at the thought of a child in Clarke.

That day was the best and worst day of my life. I was glad that Clarke was alive but learning that she was pregnant was hard. I wish I was down with her but I know if I stayed I would be dead and that would help no one. I stand at the one of the giant window's looking down at Earth. I hear footsteps behind me. I turn to see Raven and the others.

"Bellamy. Clarke radioed again today. Something happened." Raven says placing her hand on my shoulder.

"What? Why didn't anyone tell me?" Shaking her hand off.

"We were coming to get you when we heard her say she saw our ship. We don't know what ship she is talking about but we do know that it isn't ours." Harper say's. I turn to them.

"What do you mean? A ship? How can there be a ship? Their is no one else but Clarke and our people in the bunker. Who else is there?"

We all look at each other and then down at the earth.

"We need to get down there." I say.

"Bellamy," Raven says putting her hand on my shoulder. "I promised six years ago that I would find a way to get us back home. Let me do this. Let me get you all home." She smiles and I grab her hand. I nod my head and turn back to the window. We're coming Clarke. Hold on.

Clarke's POV

The ground is cold and hard. Why is it cold? Where is my fur blanket? I move my hand only to feel something in it. I try to open my eyes but it is too hard. They feel heavy. I try again and they snap open. I turn my head and see that I am strapped down to a table with an iv in my hand. I try to move but am to weak. I hear the door open and turn my head to see a man in a lab coat walk in.

"Good your awake. Now we can start?"

"Start what?" My voice is raspy. Its hard to talk.

"Your integration. We need to know everything about the ground." He smiles at me and all I can think about is my friends and my girl. Please be safe.

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