Going Home

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Bellamy POV

Raven has slowly gotten ready to leave the ark for the last time. After five hours of preparing Raven believes she is ready.

"I think that as long as we land in water we will be fine." She looks up at me as she looks at a map of the area we need to land. "If we land here," she points to the lake near the lab. "We should survive. We have enough fuel to land there."

"Sounds like a plan." Everyone starts to pack. We pack up some of the algae in case we can't find food. After everything is packed and ready we put on our suits that we haven't for six years now. After they are zipped up we place our helmets on and step into the pod we used to come up here.

We all take our seats and buckle in. "Are we ready?" I ask Raven. She turns around and smiles ta me through her helmet.

"Yes. Were ready. Lets go home." Raven fires up the engines and presses the button to release us from the ark. I hope this is the last time we ever come to the ark but if its not we made sure that it was suppled for us to come back. If we ever needed again. The pod floats in space for a few minutes when Raven presses another button  and guides the pod into the atmosphere of Earth. I smile thinking of seeing Clarke and meeting my daughter. Clarke tried to describe her but it will not be like actually meeting her.

"We will meet soon." I whisper. The pod races towards the earth at incredible speed. The pod stops at a great impact causing us all hip lash. I groan as we land.

"We have to get out. Bellamy we need to get out. I look up to see Raven talking to me. I quickly unbuckle my seat belt and follow the others out as the wade in the water. I look up at the sunny sky and smile. The ground is ash but the sun is out. We made it where home. I'm coming for you Clarke.

Clarke's POV

"Ahhh." I scream again.

"Tell us what you know and it will stop." I shake my head and a electric shock goes through my body.

"Enough!" Someone yells. I look over to see a women walk in. Her brown, chestnut hair is pulled back and she has dark eyes. "She's not going to tell us anything that way. We need to do this a different way." She pulls out a knife and I start to shake, moving my body back and forward to get out. I know what she'll do. "Flip her over." Two guards unstrap me and flip me into my stomach. I hear my shirt rip up the middle. I feel cold breathe come up beside me, close to my ear and whisper, "she'll tell us what we want to know once she gains a few scares," after she moves away and places the knife on my back. I take a deep breathe and feel the sting as it slices into my skin. I don't scream at first which makes her just make another cut and another.

Once she has cut me ten times I start to scream. She cuts into old cuts and makes new cuts, all over my back. Finally I've had enough. How can I save my girl if I'm broken and dead.

"I'll tell you! Stop, please! I'll tell you what you want to know!" The knife goes up, I hear her footsteps walk around to me. She lowers herself down and looks me in the eyes.

"I knew you would come around." She stands up and looks over me. "Take her to cell 8. Put her in their till he's ready to talk to her." Two guards unstrap me again and half drag me to a cell. I look around to see a long narrow hallway with hundreds of cells. What is this place? Is this really a prison? One opens the cell with a key card while the other holds me. They throw me into the corner of the cell causing me to land of my back. I bite my lip to stop from crying out which makes them laugh. They leave, slamming the door behind them. The jokes on them. I grabbed the other guys key card before they threw me in. I try to stand up only to fall. This is going to be hard. I try again, holding onto the wall for support.

I have to get out and find Lexa. I move towards the door and see a window in it. I look through the window to see no one about. I take the key card and put it up to the lock grid. It goes green and opens. I peek around the door to make sure no one is coming. After a few minutes of watching and not seeing anyone I move down the hall in the same way we came. A few more cells line the wall. I check to see if anyone is in them but they are all empty. At the end of the hall is a main door. I go up to it and see it too has a window. I peek through and see guards stationed at the door. Two of them. I look at them and try to see if I can take them, I finally decide I can't. I'm not strong enough, not with these injury's. I walk back slowly and go down the other way. I look in the cells again and see no one. I am the only one, unless they plan to get more.

I make my way down the hall to find another door with a window, this time no guards. I open the door and peek around to make sure no one is coming. The hallway is quite. I look left and then right. On the right side there is only darkness but to the left I see a light from another hallway. I slowly move in that direction. Trying hard to step lightly.

It hurts to walk, I wince every time I take a step but I know if I stop they will find me and take me back to that cell. They'll probably torture me some more. I make it to the end of the hallway and see the door. It's open, the big door that leads outside is open and unguarded. I frown at that thought. They wouldn't just leave it unguarded like that.

I walk up to the door, still checking that no one is coming, I peek around the corner and see no one their. How can it be this easy? Do they want me to escape? I scratch at my arm and look down to see a long gash in it. What did they do to me? I look outside and then back down the hallway before I run down the door and put into the field. I don't stop, I keep running till I reach the trees. I stop behind a large tree and look around to see if I was followed. I wasn't. I decide to walk through the trees towards the cave by the beach. Lexa should be their. I'll be home soon.

On the prison ship

They watched her run into the forest. He smiles thinking that she will lead them to the others and soon they will be dead or a solider.

"Is the chip working?" He asks the man in the lab coat.

"It is, sir. She will lead us to the others and she won't realize it till it's too late." They look at each other smiling.

"Excellent." He turns back to the window smiling. Soon they will be at his mercy. This world would be his again.

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