What I learn

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Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein are two of the people I learned that has autism. Tons of celebrities have autism and they didn't let it stop them. I finish high school and two years in college. I working to open a cafe for people with autism to work. I want to be a bake/ pastry chef and make sweet because I want everyone to be happy when they eat.

To me autism means you see everything differently and that we all are creative in our own way. Some friends I know with autism was in choir, art, culinary and animation. This is what I believe when I hear autistic. To everyone who has it or knows someone who has it, tell them that I shouldn't stop you from doing what you want. You are strong and creative in this world and you just need to find a way to show it. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

My name is Carissa and I am functionally autistic.

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