jealous much

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((yo! Thank you gabby-chan404 for this prompt! Check out her wattpad it's nice))


I walked down the street slowly holding a woman's hand, I grumbled softly to my self telling my self I was doing this for information.

"Izaya?~ Are we going to Russian sushi?~" she purred out while leaning closer to me. I mentally threw up at her overly expensive purfume.

"Yes we are nala, we are going to get otoroo" (a/n how do you spell it?) I hummed out while walking into the resturant, "then you will tell me what the yellow squares are planning" I sat down as she sat in my lap.

She rolled her hips making me bite my lip while shoving her off, "as I told you before nala. I like humans, not you in particular." I grunted as she grabbed my crotch, gently rubbing.

I shuttered and tried to push her hand away, as I saw a certain blond bartender walk inside the room I was in with the woman.

"Flea. I knew I smelt something bad" my monster growled before turning to the woman, his eyes traveling down to her hand.

I silently pleaded that he would help me I'm some way, it's not that I don't like it. I'm just not into girls in that way.

"Why are you touching the flea? He will make you dirty if you keep doing that." shizu-chan grabbed her wrist and took it away.

Hauling me over his shoulder he mumbelf a good bye before leaving the resturant with me.

"Ne, shizu-chan? You can put me down now!" I whines while struggling in his grasp.

"I'll teach you for running off with women izaya-kun~" he chuckles darkly before running off into the night with me.

(TT-TT wow that sucked. Oh well)

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