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to the boy who was her weakness-

do you wonder how she gave you so much strength but was your only weakness. your downfall.

you drink regularly.

you wish she was a stranger so you could disengage these feelings. feelings that she always had for you. the toxins that were made to forget, only make you remember. you can't stop thinking about her.

you sleep on her doorstep when she's not home, beg her shadow to come back home, that you are better.

her spine is straight, her lips curved and she's looking at you now. you miss her bright eyes and happy smile. but she is a shell. a ghost.

she is gone, but you have yet to acknowledge that.

you are no longer her weakness, but she is yours. she's your beautiful kryptonite and you are slowly losing your power.

- her

- her (editing)Where stories live. Discover now