how you met

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((Idk ive been reading sooooooo many tmnt x reader scenario books and i got obsessed dont judge meee!))

((Its the 2012 tmnt btw and they could be ooc *shrug* idk))


You are currently walking home after a long and tiring day of school and after school ballet class. You couldn't wait to just dive into bed with the air conditioning running and a nice episode of space heros playing on your tv.
The streats where pretty empty which would be surprising in the big apple, its always so busy and noisy even at night. You checked your phone to check the time but instantly dropped it when hands grabbed you and one hand had covered your mouth, silencing your screams.

The purple dragons had you in their grasp, one of them took your bag and rummaged through it to find nothing but school supplies and your ballet shoes.
"What!? This girl has no money!" The one with your bag yelled, they didnt think to look through your pockets.
They all looked pissed as the one who had a hold of you held a knife to your throat, you where to afraid to move. You thought this is where it all ends for you, until you saw somethong moving in the shadows.
Whatever it was took the purple dragons out one by one till there was only one, which would be the one who had the knife to your throat.

"Where ever you are dont think about attacking me or this girly dies!" The purple dragon said to the darkness pressing the knife to your bare skin drawing a small bit of blood.
In a instant his hold on you was gone and the blade fallen on the ground, you breathed a sigh of relief and saw piercing white eyes in the dark "are you ok?" A voice said obviously from your savior "ya, its just a small cut" you smiled.

"Can i plz see your face so i can thank you properly?" The sudden question made those white eyes turn into beautiful blue eyes "i dont think thats a good idea..." "Plz? Id really want to see the face of my hero" you said again, there was a long silence before a tall turtle with a blue mask walked out of the shadows.
"Whoa..." You mumbled staring at him in awe, you wherent sure if you should be amazed or questioning everything at this point.

"You look so cool!" You blurted out making the mutant blush "well uh... Thanks" he said flattered by your reaction.
"My names (y/n)" you introduced yourself "im Leonardo but you can call me leo" he smiles "well thank you very much for saving me leo" "your welcome (y/n)"

"Im sorry to cut this short but i need to go" leo said, you had both exchanged your goodbyes and he climbed up to the top of one of the nearby buildings and dissapeared.
You picked up your things and your now broken phone then headed home.


You just left the science fair with your invention in a wagon that you are dragging around, a ribbon was placed on your project but you didnt get 1st place which sucked what was even worse you lost to your worst enemy and she isnt even smart compared to you, she only took credit for someone elses work and literally no one cared. You tried to look on the bright side of this, the only thing you thought of was that at least you didnt get 3rd place.

You tucked a lock of hair behind your ear as you continued to drag the wagon behind you, yoy tried to not let such a thing like this bother you but you couldnt help but feel a bit upset about it.
You didnt realized that someone was infront of you till you ran into them "oh sorry!" You apologized to the man in front of you that was staring down at you with a blank stair, followed by 2 other man that looked exactly the same as him and mimicked the mans look
"You known as the one that ran into krang must come with krang" one of them said, you looked at them confused and let your wagon go quickly putting your hand in your bag to pull out a tazer.

The 3 men tried to grab you and you tazzed one of them... Which did nothing "what the hell!?" You screamed as 2 of them got a hold of you and the other opened the doors of a nearby van. You struggled violently as they dragged you to the van, you realized that fighting wasnt doing nothing so the next best thing only came to mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2018 ⏰

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