3-Love at first sight?

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Words that are slanting or Italized means that it's in head or mind.


-Did you read my mind?-

                                                _Lunch Time_

Baekhyun's POV

The bell rang.

I walked to Suzy's desk.

"Suzy, go to lunch first.I need to go to the bathroom"I told her and then walked away.

"Okay"I heard her say.

Suzy's POV

I went to the cafeteria, took a tray.

I looked for a table away from people.

I sat down and started eating.

Chanyeol's POV

I went in the cafeteria.

Took a tray.

And looked for a table.

"Chanyeol Oppa sit here!"some girls were saying.

I smiled at them.

I saw this girl eating alone.

I walk towards her.

"Umm..can I sit here?"I asked her.

Suzy's POV

"Umm..can I sit here?"a cute guy asked.

"Yeah.Sure"I said.

He sat down on a chair in front of me.

"Are you here alone?"he asked me.

-No.I'm waiting for someone.-

"Okay"he said.

-How did you ...Did you read my mind?-

"Yeah, I did."he said

"By the way, I'm Chanyeol"he extend his hand.

I shook his hand.

"I'm Suzy"I said.

"Nice to meet you Suzy"Chanyeol said.

"Nice to meet you too Chanyeol"

"Why are you taking so long!"I said.

"Huh?"he said.

"Ohh..nothing"I said.

Luhan's POV

I went in the cafeteria and saw Chanyeol.

I walked towards him.

"Luhan Hyung!"Chanyeol exclaimed.

"Chanyeol, who's this gi-Ohh it's the "coffee girl"I said.

"My name is not "coffee girl"she said.

"What is it?"I asked.

"Her name is Suzy"Chanyeol said.

"By the way, I'm sorry for the other day"Suzy said.

"The coffee?Pssh.It's ok" I said.

Suzy's POV

Baekhyun went in the cafeteria and saw me.

"Suzy!" he screamed.

-Finally he's here!-Suzy

He was right next to me now.

"Is he your boyfriend?"Chanyeol and Luhan asked in unison.

"Ani.He's just my friend.He's Baekhyun"I said.

"Why are you smiling like and idiot, Chanyeol?"Luhan asked Chanyeol.

"Oh um...nothing" Chanyeol said.

-Why am I smiling?It's because Baekhyun is just a friend to Suzy. At first, I don't believe in love at first sight.But it just happened today to me.My love at fisrt sight:Suzy.-Chanyeol

The bell rang.

"Nooo! I haven't eat yet"Baekhyun said.

He took a big bite on my sandwich.

"Yaahhh!This is not yours"I smacked him on the head.

Then he started running out of the cafeteria.

"Suzy's gonna kill me!!!!"he screamed.

Haha.He's always scared of me.


Hope you enjoyed!

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