Chapter 5.

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Chapter 5.


‘Did you hear? The new girl turned down Harry Styles’

‘I can’t believe she turned down the most popular boy in the school!’

‘She’s so stupid. I would die to be asked out by Harry.’

These were only a few of the comments being whispered around me. Right now, I’m sitting in Maths, for once attempting to concentrate on what my teacher was saying. After Harry and I’s little ‘scene’, earlier in the corridor, this is what i had been getting all day. It was the period just before lunch and I already feel like people are trying to burn a hole in my head with their death glare eyes, just like they had been doing all day. I guess it wasn’t the best option to reject Harry Styles. It’s honestly like i’ve just rejected the Prince or something. I mostly laugh off the comments that people were saying or just ignore them all together, but when people call me stupid, ugly and just worthless. It gets to me me a bit, but I can’t show it. I can’t show my weakness. I can’t retrieve my past, I can’t think about my past altogether. That would mean that they’d win, right?

A small buzzing from my pocket shook me from my mental state. Mr Martin was blabbering on about something to do with letters and numbers, so I took out my phone holding it out of view from anyone else, only to see one new message. I clicked open, patiently waiting to see what the message said;

‘Alyssa Bailey, such a pretty name. But didn’t your mother ever teach you to not mess

with strangers, especially ones that have information that you certainly would not like to be spread to people.’

I re read the message a few times over, check that what I had really read was right before checking the I.D.

Private Number

Who could have my number? Along with some of my private information. I had only been here for a short while, and I already had a stalker. Can’t a girl have a private life without a creep watching your every move?

My fingers ran across the keyboard typing a quick reply,

‘Who Are You?’

Is all it said. Nothing more, nothing less. I was just....confused. Within a couple of minutes of waiting, my phone buzzed, again. Just as I was about to open the message, a voice interrupted me.

“Miss Bailey,  You know that it’s against the school rules to text in class. Phone please.” I looked up to see Mr Martin standing over my desk, hand fully extended in the direction of my phone. My  fingers quickly found the ‘send’ button as I switched it off and handed the phone over, placing it in his hands. I watched as he walked towards the front of the class again, surveying my phone.

“You’ll get it back at the end of the day” Called Mr Martin over his shoulder. One text was on that phone. One text that revealed the answer to who that was. I need that phone, i need it more than anything. I need to know who that person is.


I sauntered down the school’s corridor, ignoring any extra comments from people around me. I didn’t care. I didn’t need it. All i wanted right now was my phone back, to see who is worrying me so much.

I wasn’t really focusing on where I was going, I just walked towards the corridor. I searched the lines of people looking for Erin or Jai, but they were nowhere to been seen.

I carried on heading towards the cafeteria, hoping they would be there for me to chat too. I hadn’t spoke to them all day, i didn’t even really see them at our break time. I just went outside and decided i needed a bit of fresh air, with people sniggering and smirking from around me. I still don’t understand what the big deal actually is. My shoulder soon came in contact with something, something hard. I lifted my arm up to cover it as the pain of the impact started to increase. I looked up to see a girl stood there laughing... Her face looked familiar, the same long blonde hair, the same blue eyes, the same orange looking tan. The skinny figure she had when i saw her first. My mind flashed back to the plane flight. The girl that stopped me from getting to my seat. Lauren. I took a deep breath before looking up, at her cold, hard face.

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