~Please Read This...VERY IMPORTANT ~

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Hey, i know many of you are hoping this to be an update, but sadly, i can't say it is.

I went to the hospital today, so i only had to be in school for two lessons. I came home early, went to the hospital and when i got home again, i sat down, read through my story again and i tried to write.

But personally, i dislike this story right now. I dislike the way i've set it out, my grammar, the story line is FAR different to what i wanted it to be and i just don't feel it's good.

I'm sorry if you liked it, but i just don't have idea's springing to be like they usually do, i don't know whether it's because i took a break from writing, i'm honestly not sure. I just don't "feel" it anymore.

So i'm going to put it on hold for now, and if soon i don't find any motivation or ideas to write more, i will delete the whole thing. I just don't feel the story is to the best of it's ability. 

When putting this on hold, and maybe going to the point of deleting it...i'll write another story...with a different story line. But i'm going to PLAN that out! I'm not going to write ANY chapters, until i've planned the whole story line out and made sure i know what's going to happen to avoid writers block.

I'm sorry if you supported/liked this story. I really am, i love ALL you guys who supported me on this. And i hope you can continue to support me, i really do.

Anyway, for news, i usually post it on my message board...so if it isn't on there, then i have none! 

Again, i'm so sorry.


       Beth xxxxxxx


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